Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


23 Helping Hand

Lilly’s POV

“Bren? You okay?”

He nodded and I stood up, “I’ll get you a blood packet.”

He raised his hand to stop me, “No, I’ll get it.”

He tried to stand up but failed. I helped him move to the wall and lean against it, “Bren. I’ll go. Just stay.”

I went up sneaking past the guys in the living room and to the fridge. I opened it and picked out three AB positive packets. I grabbed a small knife and started to head back. I didn't want to invole the boys just yet. I mean it wouldn't be a good idea.

“Pete, they mean nothing. They’re just her memories.”

“There in my dreams! It has her memories and then it changes to what I think is the future.”

I peered over the corner and David placed a hand on Pete’s shoulder, “Let the nightmares go. She’s fine and she’ll stay that way.”

“David, as gay as this sounds, I think something is going to happen.”

He’ll figure it out.


“Shhh,” He held up his hand to quiet him, “She’s awake. She said he’ll figure it out.”

“She’s had only,” He looked at his watch, “Wow. Nine hours of sleep. It’s almost seven.”

Figure what out?[/ii]

I didn't like his voice in my head. That I’ll kill you if you keep reading my thoughts.

What are you talking about?

Do me a favor and stay out of thoughts.

I went back down to Brendon and gave them to him. A question was running around in my head. I was curious on what vampires tasted when they had blood. I figured it would all be the same.

Brendon drain the second bag, “No, different blood types taste different.”


“Yeah. You’re AB if you wanted to know.”

“What does it taste like to you?”

“Candy, very sweet candy. Did you know that one third of the world is AB positive?”

I shook my head, “Does animal blood taste good too?”

He poked a hole in the third and brought it to his lips and sighed. He drained it quickly, “No, it taste like rotten food.”

I nodded in acknowledgement. Brendon looked down at his shirt, “Damn.”

I got up and went to Pete’s bureau and opened a random drawer. Thankfully, it had shirts. I grabbed one and went over to Brendon. He started undoing the buttons and pulled it off. His entire chest was covered in scars.

He looked up at me, “What?”

I looked him in the eyes, “Nothing.”

He stood up, “I’m going to take a shower.”

I handed him the shirt and he took it and disappeared.

“Why do you care about him?” I turned around and saw Pete.

He closed his bureau and leaned against it. I shrugged, “He’s a friend, like you.”

“What did you mean by 'he’ll figure it out'?”

I might have said this too fast, “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Pete’s eyes narrowed, “I don’t like being lied to.”

I scratch the back of my head and looked at the floor, “Pete…I don’t…”

He walked right over to me and moved his head to my chest sniffing me. He pulled his head back and I gulped.

“William was here.”

I opened my mouth to speak.

“Wasn’t he? WASN’T HE?!?!!?!?”

I back up. It’s amazing how loud his voice could become. My eyes watered. I don’t handle being yelled at well. His face softened and he reached forward for me. I backed up as my eyes became blurry with all the new liquid. He came forward and pulled me to his chest and I cried. I hated being yelled at.

“Lilly I’m sorry.”

I tired to squirm away from him but he held on tighter.


I screamed on the top off my lungs and I could here several sets of footsteps running down the stairs.

“Let go off me!”

Pete held tighter.

David burst through and looked at me panting. I hit Pete’s chest. I gave the guys pleading eyes. It's not like any of them could stop him. I mean he is a vampire.

“Pete, let my sister go now.”

Pete’s eye twitched and his body went rigged.


He shook his head, “Not till I’m done talking with her.”

“I think your talking has done enough for now,” Patrick’s voice was quiet.

Pete growled and let me go. I stumbled and caught my balance. Joe came forward and pulled me into his chest. He turned me and I headed upstairs following Andy up.
