Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


24 “Or maybe he’s brainwashing you?”

Pete’s POV

David stood rigid with a beaten glare, “I warned you if you came anywhere near to hurting her I’d kill you.”

“Do it David,” I stepped in front of him, “Do you think you could take me on? I could break you in two in one second flat.”

My eyes narrowed and he stood up taller, “When it comes to my sister I’ll take anyone on.”

“She let William in and didn’t let any of us know. She didn’t even panic.”

Every time I ended each of my sentences the last word was annunciated them perfectly.

“She could have Stockholm?”

I looked over at Patrick and gave him a look of bitch please, “She hasn’t been with William long enough to even consider that.”

Patrick just put his hands up defensively and looked at me pissed, “Why the fuck are you suck a dick today?”

“She fucking let William in here without telling us. Does any one see anything wrong with that?”

“It's cause of Brendon isn’t it?”

I looked back at David, “No.”

“It is. You don’t like the fact that Lilly hangs out with him. It's not about William. It's all about Brendon.”

“He’s a Dandie!”

“And on our side!”

“How do we know?”

“He kept her here. William didn’t take her.”

“That doesn’t matter! He could plan to betray us!”

“We take that risk with Becky as well!. Let it go Pete. Brendon is on our side.”

I rushed forward and grabbed David by the collar and lifted him off the ground, “I WILL NOT let him take her away and brainwash her.”

David laughed, “Or maybe he’s brainwashing you?”

“What does that mean?”

David didn’t respond. Andy came running down, “She’s gone…”

Brendon appeared next to Andy, “Where is Lilly?”

Andy shrugged, “She just disappeared. She took her coat and a window was open.”

Brendon yelled and looked over at me, “You didn’t watch over her?”

“Don’t fucking pin this on me!”

“It’s your job! You marked her! You could at least show that you care even if you don’t.”

I nearly stomped my foot, “I give a fuck about her.”

Brendon snorted, “Obviously you don’t.”

I let David go and dematerialized. I’d find her on my own.
William’s POV

I returned to the house and they stopped talking. I looked over the room. Still no Maddi and now Jodi was gone. But Becky was still here. She looked at me with curious eyes. I winked and she looked at the floor. Thought so. She never had the courage to look me in the eye. I knew she’d never betray me cause she was afraid to even be in the same room as me. She was too loyal.

I looked over and saw Kaylene looking at me. As usual. I walked across the room and grabbed her hand. I was pissed and she’d be a good pick to take my anger out on. Plus she’d finally get her time with me.

She wasn’t a disappointment but most of the time I just didn’t want her around me. She was a little too clingy for me. But extremely supportive. I pulled her along the hallway and we passed Ryan and Amber. Amber winked at Kaylene and we walked out of the house.

It was already sunset again. She wrapped her arm with mine and I entwined our fingers. I looked at her and she smiled. I let myself smirk and kept pulling her down the road.

“Where are we going?”

I didn’t answer and she shut her mouth. We walked for about ten more minutes till we reached the destined spot.

“A park?”

I pulled her to the swing and pushed her to it. She was getting sacred. She should be. She sat and I stepped in front of her and grabbed the metal chains.


I let one of my hands release the chain and cup her cheek. She started to tremble. I smiled; this is how Lilly was going to become; a submissive follower. I brought my lips down to hers and spoke against them,


Her tensed up body relaxed. I pressed my lips to hers. Instantly she responded. Greedily in fact. I had no problem with it.
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Did you know that every part of my story made it on to quizilla's top rated list? Well it did and its awesome...And I suck so bad so i have no idea how i made it on there...Thank God for