Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


25 We had a deal! Keyword had!

Lilly’s POV

I just needed to get out of the place. Too much drama. I walked in no particular direction and headed no where. I actually felt kind of safe. I was safe from most Dandies and William said I had three days. Granted going out at night wasn’t exactly the best thing, but oh well.

I looked over to my left and saw to people at the park. I looked closer and realized it was William. I hid behind a tree and watched. He kissed the girl and then he moved to her neck. Oh god no. He sank his teeth in and she gasped. He drove them even more forward and ripped back. I gasped and she gasped. Blood was running down his mouth and her hands where shaking. She reached for him. He pushed her back and she fell off the swing.

It was Kaylene. I glared at him. She had blind devotion towards him and he ruthlessly killed her. He walked around the swing and pulled her head up. He pecked her lips and backed up. She exploded into ashes and he stood emotionless. I stepped back from the tree and backed away slowly. Hoping to god he wouldn’t look up.

Of course he did. He had looked up and squinted. He started forward and I turned and skedaddled out of there. His quick strides coming towards me. I tried to run faster. At least William was giving me a chance.

Or maybe this is more fun.

I didn’t respond to his remark and I felt being tackled to the ground. I felt the air leave me. I in took a sharp breathe and tried to wiggle out from underneath him. I got two feet away from him and was dragged back.

“No! We had a deal.”

I heard him sigh and I was flipped over. He moved to now linger above me. I was still a little sacred. Last time he was pissed. Let’s just hope he’s done being scary.

“You just can’t stay away from me can you?”

“Is that what I’m going to become?”


“Are you going to kill me too?”

“Never. I need you.”

Curiousity is a bitch, “For what?”

His answer was simple, “Peter.”

“I’m beginning to wonder if you’re gay.”

He glared, “If I was gay then why am I kissing you.”

Cheesy,“You’re not-”

I didn’t finish. He pressed his lips against my own. The blood on his face was now on my skin. I moved my arms behind me and crawled backwards with William’s lips still against my own. I pressed back against his and his eyes looked confused. I moved to my knees and he did as well. I cupped his face with my left hand. My right was digging in my pocket and pulled out my knife. I flicked it open and I pressed it into William’s chest. He pulled his mouth back and looked down at his chest. He pulled it out and threw it.

“Next time aim lower.”

I stood up and bolted down the street. I heard his footsteps and was soon being chased by at least ten Dandies. There was a group of five in front coming at me. I stopped and was surrounded quickly. Damn it! I was so screwed.


Two dandies moved out of the way as Brendon came through them and came and stood next to me. It’s kind of weird seeing him in a tee shirt.

“William said not to touch her.”

The Dandies growled and one stepped forward, “Then step away from her.”

“Ha! Like I’d let you near her.”

William entered the circle and grabbed my arm. He pulled me out of the circle and stopped.

“Come on Peter, Come out. I know you’re here.”

Pete stepped away from the tree and glared, “Let her go.”

William smiled, “And what makes you think she’d want to be let go.”

I pulled away from him and a Dandie step towards me. I backed up and hit William. That would be a pretty good reason.

He leaned to my ear, “I wouldn’t try to run.”

Fuck that.

I bolted and the Dandies followed me. The appeared in front of me and I turned around. A couple of Dandies had Pete and he was growling. I was grabbed by some of the extras and out of now where the Dandies let him go and head towards us. They let me go and they attacked each other. I ran towards Brendon’s direction and was grabbed by someone.


“Shh, it’s me.”

It was Pete. I sighed. I thought it was another Dandie. I looked over to William and he walked over to Brendon. He struck him hard. I gasped as Brendon fell to the ground.

“YOU TOLD ME TO DO NOTHING!” Brendon’s voice was desperate.

“Pete, help him.”

“It’s not my problem.”

I hated seening Brendon being hurt, “Pete! Please!”

He groaned and walked towards Brendon. William grabbed Brendon by the collar and punched him. Brendon got up and punched William. Pete pulled Brendon back just as William swung again. Pete threw him in my direction and Brendon stumped towards me. I grabbed him and steadied him.

“Take her,” Pete voice was loud and demanding.

“I suggest you take her to the house Brendon.”

William’s voice was the same. I looked at him. He had his eyes locked with Pete’s. I saw Pete nod slightly.

“I’m taking her back to the house.”

“No!” Pete screamed and then he winked at me.

We disappeared and enter the all too familiar room of William.
