Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


26 Don't do this to me

Lilly’s POV

All I did for the next ten minutes was beat on Brendon’s chest. It felt like my fists where hitting a god damn wall. I was so frustrated I was crying my eyes out. Brendon pulled me close to his chest and just sighed.

“How can you do this to me? I trusted you.”

He pulled back and stepped away.

I’m sorry.

He disappeared and William’s “always closed door” opened. I glared as William walked in and closed the door.

“You said it never opened!”

“Did you know that it takes more muscles to glare then smile?”

“I’m this close to driving a stake in your heart!”

I had placed my fingers up to show how close I was. He belted out a ha and stood right in front of me, “You wouldn’t even be able to move an inch before I over powered you.”

“You sure?”

He raised his eyebrow, “Is that a challenge?”

Pete’s POV

I returned back to the house alone. They were all in the living room waiting. I went past them and into the kitchen. I needed a shake. Even if it didn’t work to well I might as well make one for the hell of it. I didn’t want to bite any of the guys.

I opened the fridge and grabbed what I needed. I placed them on the counter, with out dropping them too, and reached to the nearest drawer. I opened it and pulled out a knife. I closed the drawer, having to add more force for it to go back in. I started cutting my garlic when I looked over to Becky who had appeared next to me.

I almost seemed that I forgot how to use my mouth, “Status.”

“Beckett has her in his room. He’s not letting anyone in. Not even Brendon.”

“Can you get in there?”

“I just told you. No one.”

I placed the knife down. I picked up the garlic and placed it in the blender. She reached over and started to pour in my holy water.

“Why do you do this?”

I grabbed the bottle from her, “Because I don’t want to be like William.”

“Pete, I think its time you look at the big picture.”

I sighed, “And what’s that?”

“You might need to work for William just to get her back.”

“It doesn’t matter. He’ll kill her. He always kills them.”

“If you don’t act.”

“What do you want me to do? Hmm? Show up to his door and say I’ve come to my senses?”

“At this point? If you cared for her you would risk everything for her.”

Lilly’s POV.

William had left to go take a shower so I was left alone. I stared at his door. Hmm…I went over and turned the handle. I pulled it towards me and it opened. I stepped out and to the hallway. I started walking down and was met with Ryan’s cold glare.

“What are you doing all alone?”

“I’m looking for Amber.”

He pointed to a door and walked into it. I followed him in; Amber was sitting on her bed painting her nails.

“Hey Ryan.”


He moved next to her and hugged her. She leaned back into him as he wrapped his arms around her. She looked up at me, “You okay?”

I laughed, “What do you think?”

“You should just give into William.”

Amber smacked him lightly, “Don’t say that.”

“It’s what he wants. It would make him a lot nicer.”

“And why would I do that? What would I get out of it?”

Ryan shrugged, “You’d live.”

I heard a snap and I turned to the direction of it. William had appeared in only a towel hung low on his hips. His hair was a wet mess. It probably would take an hour to get through it. He came over and grabbed my left arm.

“Bye Amber.”

She just stared at me as we disappeared to William’s room. He pushed me over to the bed and let go of me. I steadied myself and stayed facing the bed. God only know what he was doing. I gasped of William wrapping his arms around me. My body reflexively tensed up. I really didn’t want to be in this position but if it made William happy and kept me safe I’d go along with it.

So, I relaxed in his arms. William pulled me closer and brought his mouth to my neck. His lips brushed my mark and moved to the back of my shoulder. He let one of his hands move up and down my body.



“Can you let go of me? Please.”

He instantly released me and pushed me forward. I reached my hands forward trying to catch myself and landed on William’s bed. I turned over and sat in the end of the bed. William ran a hand through his hair. He had changed into a pair of boxers. Hmm, I was expecting pink ones.

William came straight at me. He pulled the back of my head close to his and locked his lips with my own. He pressed me backwards and I scooted back. He crawled up on to me.


He sounded annoyed, “Shut up.”

He forced his tongue in my territory. I groaned at the intrusion but he pressed on with his exploring. I attempted to keep up with him hoping he’d be happy with me responding.

“Master William?”

William pulled back and I turned my head to see a guy standing in the middle of the room, “What Mike?”

“Her stuff is here.”

“Bring it up.”

With in a few moments half my stuff from my room was now in William’s. My clothes were all folded nicely and forced into William’s dresser. This was insane. No way he could get away with this. They even brought some of my books. This was going to be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
did you know WIlliam Beckett actually read bitten? Im serious! I had a friend go to one of his concerts and asked if he read fanfiction and he said yes...then she brought up mine...HE REMEMBERED IT! Plus he liked it and told her to tell me to keep up writing...William come on....I SUCK AT WRITTING!