Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


27 You won't have me

Lilly’s POV

William stroked my back lightly. It was pretty distracting. He was humming and I was ignoring him. I was just trying to keep him happy and away from me. But the “away from me” part didn’t work

I looked up from my book and saw William’s door open.

Brendon had come in the room and stopped in the middle, “Sir?”

William sat up from next to me, “What?”

“It’s- You know.”

Will nodded in agreement, “We’ll be down there in a minute.”

It was time for them to go feeding. I closed my book. I… No. I don’t want to go too. William rolled onto his back and closed his eyes. I moved over to him. Was I going to do something so crazy?

“Do what?”

I didn’t answer. I climbed into his lap. He didn’t open his eyes but just smiled, “What do you want?”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my mouth to his ear, “Can we stay here and let them go?”

He shifted and opened his eyes, “Sorry love, I haven’t gone out in a while.”

I ran my hands down his chest, “Have them bring you something back.”

“Why don’t you want to go out?”

“I don’t feel like going out. I want to stay here.”


Time to turn it up a notch.

I spoke softer, “Please.”

I pressed my lips to his neck and scooted closer. I had now pressed myself completely against him. He groaned, “No.”

“William, what do you want in return? Please I don’t want to go.”

“You need to give me a decent reason.”

“I just don’t feel like it William! I practically am begging. I’m even trying to make a move on you. William, I really don’t want to go out.”

“A move on me, eh? Then that means…”

He moved me out of his lap and I was now lying down next to him. He climbed on top of me and smiled.

I looked up at him, “Means?”

“It means you are becoming submissive.”

“Yeah. Kinda. For a minute there I thought you we’re going to say I was turning into Kaylene.”

“Hmm,” He connected his lips to my neck.

I moved vaguely below him. I tried to move but seriously, try moving while pinned. He ran his hands up and down my sides and I gulped.

“William? What are you doing?”

“Oh come on sweetheart. You want this,” William continued trying to pursue me.

Ha. Never. I would never want him or love him. I backed up farther to the point where my back was firmly pressed against the headboard. William moved forward to enclose me once more.

Look at what you got yourself into.

“What’s wrong?” He smiled, “A few minutes ago you where encouraging me. Now you have my attention.”

Take it away. He pressed his lips to my own roughly. He leaned forward and reached up pulling my head closer. I turned my head to the right and his lips were now compressed to my cheek. Literally.

He pulled back and groaned, “Come on Lilly. It’s rude to tease.”

Of fuck you! Not literally. I pushed on his chest to see if he’d budge at all. Nope. Not one bit.

“Does it bother you?”

I looked at him with a dead pan look, “What?”

“That I want you.”

Eww! My eyes narrowed, “Oh what a way to flatter.”

He beamed, “Glad you like it.”

“Who said I did. Why do you want me anyway?”

“Because you are fascinating. A toy in the shop that I want so badly. Why? I don’t know. I just want you so bad. If could I’d place you on a shelf and stare at you all day. I would. You are what I’ve been truly needing.”

“But why? You can have any one but you chose me. Why can’t you just leave me alone.”

“I’ve already told you why.”

This is the day I wished I could turn into a ball and roll away. I was now stuck in an empty house. Far away from any help. And alone with the strongest vampire known to man (At this point). I think he was enjoying himself. He had me right where he wanted me.

Somehow I crawled out from under him and backed away from the bed. This is so like a movie. I wish it would all go away. I wish my life would just be a normal person’s life. But no, they have to be evil.

William was laying on his side, his head propped up with his elbow. He smiled, “If you don’t like it then give in.”

“Ha.” I was debating to run or something.

“You can run. I don’t mind. It’s more of a challenge for me. I don’t mind at all. By morning you’ll be dead either by me turning you or me killing you. Your choice…”

I turned around and bolted to the door. This was insane. I had no idea how this house was set up. I went through the door and I heard the oh to familiar snap. William was in front of me.

I backed up slowly. I refuse to let him win. He had to be finding this amusing. I turned again and less then a second William was in front again. God damn this jerk. At least give me a chance to run.

He smiled and I turn again, and ran down the stairs. Skipping the last three. I ran down the hall. By the time I reached the door William was standing in front of it. He was acting casual. He smiled he’s laid-back smile and I bolted in the other direction. I heard him run after me.

This isn’t fair, because it takes three of my strides to make his one. I was soon tackled down. I gasped as the wind was knocked out of me. That actually hurt, I think I have a rug burn. This place is too fucking huge.

He flipped me over and straddled my hips. He hovered me like an animal looking down at its prey. So not cool.

“You are pathetic” He whispered so softly.

Dude. Human. H-U-M- A-N. I glared and tried to fight him off of me. He forcefully pinned my arms to my sides. I growled.

“Are you happy now that I’ve actually go of my lazy ass?”

He was being sarcastic and being responsive to my early remark of him being lazy. Well I got him to fight back for once. I rolled over on to him. He raised and eyebrow and I pushed off of him and ran to the door. I was grabbed and we ended up back in William’s room.

“No! No! No! No!”

I thrashed every body part I could and got released and ran to his bathroom and grabbed a razor. William came in and looked at my hand. I placed the razor over my arm. I glared at him. I’d do it.

“Don’t be stupid.”

“I’m not. I’d rather kill myself before you do.”

He came closer. I stepped back. Which resulted me into falling and landing in the shower. Also resulting me to slice my hand open. When and how did that happen? I glanced up at William; he eyes where tightly shut and he took in a deep shaky breath. I am so screwed. He opened his eyes and reached down for me. I’m too young to die. He pulled me up and out. I ripped my hand away and I heard a snap.


I realized I wasn’t with William anymore. I was with Brendon. He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips.

"Brendon. You can’t. I’m marked."

"It’s on the outside."

You vampires and rules

I could hear his smile. He licked nerveless trying to get it all up. Once it stopped he pulled back. My blood still on his lips…

“Brendon. Bring her back now.” William’s voice seemed right next to me.

Which is funny cause in a second he was...

“You want her? Come and get her.”