Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


28 Death

Lilly’s POV

I waved and we disappeared. We arrived in a warehouse filled with table saw and other sharp pointy things. Brendon let go of me and smiled, “Pete is outside.”

I backed up a step and out of now where Brendon was tackled. It was Max. He was hissing at Brendon, ready to rip him apart. He kinda looked like he had rabies.

“You traitor. Not once but twice?”

Brendon smiled, “You’d do it too. You even thought about it.”

Pete came right passed me and grabbed Max off of Brendon. He threw Max across the room and helped Brendon up.


“No problem. Take her to Patrick.”

Brendon nodded and grabbed my arm dragging me back. Pete just looked at me and smiled.

I’m sorry for earlier.

Be careful Pete.

"Always am."

Pete’s POV

I watched as Brendon pulled her out the door. Now it was just me and Max. Max got up and dusted himself off, “How could you let the traitor go. You should rip him apart for liking her.”

“I’m not as pathetic as you.”

“I’m not pathetic.”

I let out a few haha’s, “My ass you're not. You can’t live with out Maddi. You’re so confused without her.”

“How would you feel if Lilly was killed?”

“She’s just a human.”

He smiled, “No. Not to you. You love her.”

I sounded defensive, “I do not!”

“Yes you do. That’s why you don’t like having Brendon around her.”

“So what if I do? At least she’s still walking the earth unlike Maddi.”

His smile vanished, “Not unless I kill her.”

I walked over to him and pulled him by the collar, “You wouldn’t get two feet near her.”

“Wanna bet?” He looked over my shoulder and I heard machinery start up. I let him go and looked behind me. Max made the table saw start up. God…mind control sucks some times. He charged to me and pushed me backwards. I moved slightly to the right and tripped him. He stumbled forward and his hand landed on the saw.

Never have I heard a sound like that. Max screamed and pulled his hand back. His left hand had been completely removed. I made a disgusted face. Why that didn’t kill him is beyond me. He was panting and holding his wrist. Might as well finish him off. He came forward and I materialized so I would be behind him. I grabbed him by the back of his shit and lifted him off the ground. I threw him on to the saw. He exploded and I covered my eyes. After I opened them the saw stopped moving.

“Poor bastard.”

Mike’s POV

I watched two humans walk down the street. Two males. Both had brown hair and where about five foot eight. They had been walking from the movie theater. They where eating licorice.

“Hey Spencer look.”

“Jon, stop playing with your food.”

One of the males sighed, “But its funny.”


The guy name Jon broke off to pieces of licorice and stuck them in his mouth so they where hanging out slightly, “See? I’m a vampire.”

That was our cue. Ten of us stepped out of the shadows and hissed at the boys. The red candy fell right out of Jon’s mouth. The had shocked faces. They screamed and ran down the street and we followed. We were going to eat nicely tonight.
