Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


PART 3 The take over

Lilly’s POV

It’s been two days since I’ve seen David. God I was worried. What am I going to do? I know that we have money stocked up somewhere. I just have to stay in at night. I got up from the desk and headed upstairs. I went into my kitchen and heard a knock on the door.

I froze; I glanced at the table. It had the paper David gave me. I still didn’t know what it said. So I grabbed it and slowly walked to the door. It knocked again.

“Who is it?” I asked


I glanced at the peek hole and say a guy with three other men.

“Um, I kind of need more then that.”

He smiled, “Like a word?”

“That would help.”

“Alright….” He pulled out a piece of paper and opened it.

He looked shocked, “Is it….Tigger?”

I opened the paper and sure enough was a picture of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.

I unlocked the dead bolt and unlocked the door. I slid the chain and opened it.

“You’re Lilly right?”

I nodded, “And you’re Patrick?”

“Yeah. Haven’t we met?”

“Um. Yeah. Once at the party.”

“Oh yeah! Can we come in?”

I stepped aside and they all entered. They passed me with suitcases. One of the guys passed me with a strong smell. He dropped some suitcases and went back out, to what I’m assuming, to get more.

“So did David tell us why where here?”

“Uh, yeah. Well kind of.”

“You don’t really mind living with some weird nerds do you?”

“No. David said I could trust you. So I guess I could trust you.”

“Did he tell you about Pete?”

I turned around and the man snapped up his head in reaction of his name being called, “No.”

I watched as he turned and closed the door. He locked it the same way I always did. Nothing seemed to out of the unusual. He was slightly attractive. He seemed in his early 20’s and had black hair. I couldn’t quit see his eyes. He was dressed like a teenager. He had ripped jeans and a hoodie.

He came up to me and I smelled it. I backed up quickly. NO! Absolutely not. I will never ever let him stay in here.

“He’s a…..a….”

“Vampire?” Pete questioned.

“You can not bring a case study here,” I turned to Patrick and glared.

“He’ll kill me or you.”

“Relax,” Patrick placed his hands on my shoulders, “He won’t hurt you. He’s on our side.”

“People change.”

“He’s never taken a life. Hell, He’s never even drink human blood before.”

“But….” I glanced back at Pete.

He seemed harmless.


“Yeah Pete?”

“I can’t read her mind.”

“You can’t?”

“No, it’s just blank.”

“Can you still read Joe’s?”

“Yeah, he’s hungry.”

“Hey….” Joe answered.

I looked at him with an interesed look, “You can read minds?”

“Most vampires can.”

“I think I know why you can't read mine.”

Patrick came next to me, “Really? Why?”

“David. We worked on how I think. Which makes sense for the….” I bolted away from them and down to David’s office.

I grabbed my notebook. I started summering in it for me. Just to know what the vampires could do. I grabbed a pen.

9/26 Brendon,

He couldn’t read my mind. Is it cause David and I worked on channeling? Is it really possible to block someone’s mind? I guess it could be an advantage. Well…two days without David and he’s friends arrived. They brought a case study. I’m kinda scared. What if he turns? It wouldn’t be good…So I’m going to keep an eye out.
