Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


30 Pete!

Lilly’s POV

We stopped at a door. what's behind door number one?

“Just go in.”

“Whose is this?”

“You’ll know when you go in.” She looked sad and placed a hand on my shoulder, “Be careful. He hasn’t feed in a while.”

My eyes went wide. My first thought was Brendon. I went in and saw Pete lying on the bed. Becky closed the door and I heard it click I screamed, “No. No you can’t!”

Pete got off the bed and walked over to me, “I’m so sorry.”

I looked at him confused, “What?”

He pressed his forehead against my own.

William’s watching. Go along with it.


His mouth inched closer to my own. I had the urge to kiss him. Really badly. His lips seem so soft and delicate. While mine had to be dry and chapped. Pete’s aroma was beginning to get me high. Once his lips locked with mine, his forced increased. I was forced to take a step back. As I pushed back with just as much energy, I was forced against the door and I locked my hands in Pete’s hair. He groaned and ran his fingers slowly over my body.

He nipped at my bottom lip. Soon following he parted them with his tongue to invade. He pressed harder and I was beginning to become sacred. Pete, for one, was never like this. You’ve never seen him like this. He was getting more aggressive; I pulled back, “Pete?”

His mouth moved to my neck and he kissed along the crook. I gasped and pushed at his chest. My Pete wouldn’t do this. Then again this was the way he acted when he was experiencing blood lust. I pushed again. He grasped my wrists and raised them above my head.


He dragged me to the bed and threw me on it. I back away and sat closest to the headboard. I was scared. My body was literally trembling He was acting like William and it was terrifying. In two seconds he was in front of me on his knees. He pulled my head close again and he forced those smooth lips back to mine. I pushed and moved to get away.

I’m sorry. He’s watching. I can’t tell you anymore.

He moved and my body froze. Pete had taken control. I moved so I was on my back and he hovered over me. I finally could move and I grabbed his shirt. He moved his hands to the waistband of my pajamas. He placed his hands in and tugged at them. He wasn’t trying to remove them but he was definitely trying to get a point across. I tried to budge his hands away. No dice.

“Pete, you don’t have to do this.”

He’s watching. I have too.

No. You don’t.

“Pete, please.”

I had started crying. He wasn’t my Pete. He just kept kissing and nipping at my skin. I tried to resist and pull back. I kept moving under him, trying desperately trying to be let go. He slid one of his hands to my hip and lifted my shirt lightly. His cold fingers rested on my skin.

“Pete, don’t.”

He looked back at me. His eyes looked pleading. I wanted to forgive him but I don’t know why. What was this all about? I had never seen him like this ever. His kissed my forehead and cheeks.

I’m sorry! He’s watching! Just go along with it…

Pete what’s going on?

I’m sorry

Stop saying that. Why?

He’s watching…

William’s POV

I had my eyes closed and I could still see what Pete was doing to her. He was doing well. He was now trying to comfort her crying. I almost laughed at his feeble attempt. He was pathetic.

“Lilly. Shhh. I’m not hurting you.”

Come on Pete.

William, give me a minute.

You don’t have the time Pete.

He hadn’t responded. She gazed up at him terrified. Her pupils not dare moving from his. She was still crying but quieter. He lent down and kissed her neck. She had no idea what was going on. Which is a good thing. Pete was doing his job. He moved his hands to stop tugging and instead he caressed her hips, desperately trying to coax Lilly into doing what he wanted.