Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


31 What is real?

Lilly’s POV

“Pete, enough.”

I saw William step closer to the bed. Pete just glared up at him. It was one of pure hatred and a hidden death threat was buried in between it. I was surprised Pete didn't go after William.

“Pete. Now.”

“She’s mine,” I felt myself being pulled against Pete’s body.

“No she’s not,” William grabbed Pete by the hair and pulled him off of me, “Hasn’t anyone told you not to play with food?”

They had moved to a mental conversation and I had no idea what they where talking about but it was without doubt a serious thing. William’s jaw was tight and Pete looked desperate.

“You can't do this to me!”

William smiled, “I can and I will.”

William grabbed me and pulled me to his chest, “Do you think she wants you dominating her every time you see her?”

I cut in, “He hasn’t feed. Blood lust.”

My words were quiet and disappearing. Like a faint mist blowing away. William continued with his rant, “If he was experiencing blood lust he’d still be on you. He’s acting normal now.”

I looked at Pete. How could you?

He told me too

And you have free will.

Pete looked at me with concern. I was trying to protect you.

How?! With hormones?

He made me a deal! It was to protect you.

“Enough. Talk out loud.”

Pete smiled, “Why? Is it cause you can’t hear our conversation?”

William glared, “Come on Lilly. Let's go get some sleep.”

I pulled away from him, “No, I’m staying with Pete.”

William looked confused, “Why? He practically raped you and you want to stay with him?”

I nodded, “Because I know no matter what you do to him, Pete will always be a good guy.”

William scuffed. I backed up and felt Pete wrap his arms around me. William glared, “Fine.”

He left and I turned in Pete’s arms. I hugged him and sighed, “Is David okay?”

His body was rigid, “He’s okay.”

“Everyone else?”

“By everyone else do you mean Brendon?”

Pete rolled his eyes as I spoke, “No. Well? Him included.”

“Brendon is somewhere. Pat and the guys are find.”

“When is the last time you had a shake?”

“One day.”

I looked up at him with curious eyes, “How long was I out?”

“A long time.”

He had dark ring under his eyes, “You look tired.”

“I am.”



“Thank you for not going any farther.”

“I didn’t want to. Well…” He blushed, “Let’s just say I have respect.”

I smiled, “I thought I lost you to the dark side.”

He smirked “So did I. I almost couldn’t control myself.”

“Do you want me to stay away to make it easier?”

His arms held tighter. I could feel the muscles in his arms, “No. I don’t want to lose you.”

“Pete, I’m just a human.”

I leaned my head against him, “No. You're not. You mine”.

“Pete, you barely know me.”

“I know you enough.”

I blushed. I couldn’t think. I think I was liking Pete more then regular. I pushed those thoughts away, “When are we leaving?”

He pulled back and walked away from me, “I don’t think I’ll be going back. You yes but me no.”

“Why?” I was scared. I needed Pete to be there.

“You’ll be fine with out me.”

“Pete? Why?”

“Because,” His hand came over to me and cupped my cheek, “Because I want you safe and sound.”

I clung onto him, “Then keep me with you.”

He was getting upset. He bit his lip and let out a frustrated sigh, “It’s not that easy.”

I let a tear go. Why I don’t know. I felt safe with Pete. I thought maybe because he could and would protect me.

Pete smiled and pecked my lips, “Come on, you look tired. Let’s get some sleep.”

We crawled into his bed and he pulled off his shirt. I blushed at the new exposed skin. He smiled as he read my thoughts. I laid next to him and I rested my head on his chest, He let his arm hold me in place and I closed my eyes. He stroked my hair, “Good night.”

“Good night Pete.”