Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


35 Snapped

Becky’s POV

I materialized in they guy’s kitchen. They were all asleep. I made his shake quickly and found a thermos. I poured it in and materialized back to the house.

“And where are you going? And what are you doing?”

I quickly turned around and saw William standing next to me. “I. Uh-” I pointed to the thermos, “It’s to help Lilly.”

William placed his hands on his hips, "I’m sure.”

“Please, I have to hurry.”

He sucked on his canine, “Becky? Don’t ever lie to me again.Go. Now.”

I nodded and entered Pete’s room. Pete and Lilly were in the bed and well, she was passed out and he was next to her.

“Got busy?”

“Shut up,” He sat up and was shirtless and probably pantless as well

I chucked him his thermos and turned around, “Don’t use her…”

“I’m not!”

“I’m sure.” And I left without saying another word.

William’s POV

Lilly got out of the shower and dried herself off. I turned away and after a few minutes I looked back. She was now in her, well let’s not be so brute. Lets just say she’s in her “undergarments.” I walked over and did the last clasp on her bra. She had missed it. She gasped and whipped around. She backed up against the sink.

I spoke softly, “You called.”

“I didn’t think you’d come.”

“What did you want?”

I didn’t mean to be so snappy. She rested her hands against the sink, “I was wondering if I could go see Brendon.”

I glared. I was getting tired of her. She was wanting this, wanting that. In a short while she’ll learn to stop asking questions and start taking orders. I looked at the new hickey on her neck. I pursed my lips together.

I snapped; I grabbed her and turned her around. I forced her head to the side and leaned her closer to the mirror. She had started crying, she had all right to be scared.

“What do you see?”

She tried to shake her head and speak but her crying overpowered her. I moved my hand so her mark was visible.

“What do you see?”

“Uh. A w and a b wrapped in thorns.”

“Exactly. Now what does it mean?”

She tried to shake her head. I turned her around and asked her again. No response other then more tears. I slammed her head back against the mirror. She gasped and cried harder.

“What…does…it …mean?”

With each word I smashed her head against the mirror. It cracked and blood was present. She clawed at my hand to let her go. I did and she fell to the floor. I bent down and tilted her head up, “It means you belong to me! Your job is to listen to everything I say and do what I tell you to do. Am I clear?”

She just pulled her head away and tried to move away from me. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up. She tried to tear away from me. She was on her knees and stood up.

“Let’s go.”

“I need clothes.”

I reached over and grabbed Pete’s discarded shirt. I chucked it at her. She pulled it over her head. It reached about mid-thigh. I pulled her out of the bathroom and through Pete’s room. I dragged her down the hall past half of my vampires and she struggled to keep up with me. I pulled her into my room and slammed the door shut. I walked over to my closet and forced her into it. I closed it and locked it.

“William” She banged on the door, “William. Please! William let me out!”

I turned my back on her and Mike entered my room, “Is she mine to play with?”

“You can play but not have.”

He smiled, “Thank you William.”
