Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


36 “You’re bleeding”

Lilly’s POV

I couldn’t find the cord for the light. Damn! I touched the back of my head and pulled my hand to my nose. I was still bleeding. I couldn’t believe William snapped like that. I kept pounding on the door. I turned my head to the right and the light erupted in the room. Mike was in the closet with me.

I looked around the closet and the dried blood and flesh still on the wall. I pounded on the door, “William! Please! I’m sorry.”

“You’re bleeding.”

He stepped forward and I desperately tried to turn the handle. I started crying again. I didn’t want to be ripped open. I thought of Pete and screamed his name. Mike turned me around and pinned me to the door. Now I knew someone wasn’t going to help me.

Mike was a few inches taller them me. His hair went past his ears and almost to his shoulders. He had high cheek bones and his eyes seemed sunken in. He reached up behind me and touched my wound. I hissed as he applied pressure. He pulled his hand back and licked his fingers.

“You taste good. No wonder William wants you.” I gulped, “You taste like candy.”

“I know.”

He leaned closer and licked his lips, “You’re lucky. William usually wants the people in here dead. Good thing he loves you.”

“He is just a heartless bastard.”

Mike smacked me so hard it made my whole face move to the right, “Do not disrespect him.”

“Are you in love with him?”

He leaned closer andhis lips brushed mine, “You’re lucky you’re marked. Because I’d rip you open on two if you weren’t. I may not be able to bite you. But I can still play.”

His hands reached for my hips and I pushed him away. I wasn’t going down easy. My muscle in my stomach may have hurt but I’m sure I could take him on.

“I’m surprised William keeps you.”

I just glared, “Why’s that?”

“He tries so hard to keep himself from bleeding you and you run off with Pete.”

“Because I’m with Pete not William!”

“How sure are you that you’re with Pete and he’s just not using you?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You damn well know what I mean.”

I looked at the floor. He probably was right. If Mike wasn’t here I’d be crying at my stupidity.

“I hear you have a tattoo. What is it?”

“Why does it matter?”

He bit his lip, “I wanna see it.”

He came closer again and I held my hands up defensible, “How about a deal?”

He looked at me suspiciously, “What kind of deal?”

“I’ll show you my tattoo if you agree not to 'play' with me.”

He looked at me for two minutes, “Okay…”


He nodded and I turned around, “Okay. Here.”

I lifted Pete’s shirt up. He reached for it and held my shirt in place. One of his hands traced the “w” on my back.

“When did you get this?”

“I was eight.”

He chuckled.

I furred my eyebrows, “What’s so funny?”

“You do know what people say about the tattoos in places like these right?”


He laughed and let go off my shirt. I pulled it down while turning around, “Well what does it mean?”

His smile spread ear to ear, “Give something for a guy to aim towards.”

I blushed, “Sick.”

He moved forward and pinned me back against the door, “Now to play.”

That lying bastard! "We had a deal!”

“I...” He pointed to himself, “Did not say ‘I promise’. I did not give you my word and did not shake hands with you. So no deal.”

“But…Bt that’s not fair.”

“Life isn’t fair.”

A snap came out of no where. William was next to us, “Sorry to break you fun Mike but I need her.”

He looked at William with sad eyes, “You can’t do this to me.”

“Mike,” William’s face held a glare, “Let her go now.”

He backed off and William grabbed me. We dematerialized and appeared in a room. I looked over to the bed and Brendon was sitting reading a book. He looked up at me and glared. William left through the door.

Brendon got off his bed and stood five feet from me. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. I closed my eyes and said thank god so many times in my head.

“I’m so glad you’re okay!”

He ripped himself away from me.


“Go away. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

“Bren? What’s wrong? This isn’t you.”

“It is and I’ve come to my senses. You’re just a whore like Maddi and Kaylene. You mean nothing to me.”

“Brendon, this isn’t you. That’s too cold for even you.”

“Get fucked Lilly. Oh wait you already did.”

I just looked at him shocked. What could I say? “And you no better then William!”

His eyes narrowed, “Get out and stay away from me.”

“Fine dickhead.”

I walked right out his door. I noticed I was by William’s room. I touched the back off my head. I hissed at the pain. I better go see William so he doesn’t get angry. I walked up to William’s door and knocked on it lightly. No response. I opened it slightly and saw him asleep in his bed.

You think he is asleep. Yeah, good point.

I moved to his bed. He was seriously pissed awhile ago. I don’t think was safe. But if I stay with Pete, William might rip me into pieces. I lifted some of his blankets away and I crawled in next to him. With his back still facing me I pulled the blankets over me and laid with MY back facing his.

He rolled over and wrapped an arm around me, “Very good idea that you came in here. Because I really would have ripped you open.”

Talk about being powered over. Welcome to hell, enjoy you stay.