Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


37 Normal for once

Lilly’s POV

When I woke the next day William wasn’t in the room. I went over to the boarded windows and pulled at the plywood. The nails weren’t doing their job of holding the wood in place too well. Thus resulted the wood to come away rather easily. I chucked it to my side and felt the sun hit my face.

It felt so good to have the sun hit my face. It's warmth was like a blanket of safety. I closed my eyes and just basted in the new given light. I laid down on William’s floor and felt the sun all over my body. I felt normal for once.

“What are you doing?”

The unwanted voice of William rang in my ears. I wish he would just go away and leave me alone, “What does it look like I’m doing?”

“Get away from there.”

“I’m not moving.”

“Move now”

I shook my head.

“If you don’t I will come get you and after last night I don’t think you’d want that.”

“Come and get me.”


I cringe at the sound of William’s booming voice. I heard a crack and didn’t dare open my eyes.

“Yes William?”

“Get her out of the sunlight.”

Brendon seemed confused, “Sir?”

“And if she struggles, bite her.”

I licked my dry lips. I was kinda scared. I didn’t want Brendon to burn but at the same time I don’t want to become Swiss cheese. He was an ass last night. So let that mother fucker burn.

I heard a growl and ignored it. Next thing I knew someone was on top of me. I opened my eyes and Brendon was on top of me. Parts of his clothing were burning. Soon it would be skin. When did I get on the ground?

“Why aren’t you listening to William?”

“Get fucked Urie.”

His eyes narrowed and he forced my head to the side.

“I swear to god if you bite me I’ll castrate you.”

“Why don’t you steal my wallet while you at it.”

His teeth plunged down in to my neck and I screamed on the top of my lungs. It was nothing but a burning feeling. I heard another crack and felt Brendon being ripped off of me. I looked at Brendon. His mouth looked burned. Like my skin was acid. Pete was next to me and glaring at Brendon.


He looked down at me, “What?”

I grabbed my neck and looked at him in confusion, “You’re not burning.”

His eyes narrowed, “What?”

“You’re in the sun.”

Pete looked at the window. He squinted and put his hand up in the air. His hand was fine. No burning. At all.

“It works.”

His words were soft and almost illegible. I looked over at William and his jaw was on the floor. He furred his eyebrows and looked at me. I glared in returned and diverted my gaze to Brendon. He was glaring at Pete. His mouth meaning mostly lips, looking like charcoal, were bleeding and slightly healing. He was panting and tried to swallow. He closed his mouth and he groaned. I watched as a tear left his eye and he reopened his mouth letting the oxygen in. I guess being mark does have benefits.

Brendon stood up and I climbed up while one hand was over my wound. William came over and stood on the edge of where the sunlight met the darkness on the floor.

“I can stop the bleeding.”

Pete pulled me close and I pulled back.

Pete looked puzzled at my movement, “It hurts.”

Pete just shook his head as I walk to William. When I reached him he pulled me into the dark part of the room. He moved my hand and licked away at the holes Brendon had created. I just groaned in disgust. He removed his teeth from my neck. I pulled away and he held with his left hand while his right was brought to his mouth. He bit into two of his fingers. I was pulled close to him.

“Tilt you head.”

I did and he brought his mouth and fingers back to my neck. I could tell what he was doing but I felt. I could feel the drops of blood hit my wound and slid down my skin. It almost burned. He returned to licking and after awhile I backed away. I was back in the sun. Pete pulled me in his arms. The only pain I felt now was the tight grip of Pete.

David’s POV

I ran my hands threw my hair slightly tugging when I reached the ends. I was so frustrated and scared. I didn’t know anything about my sister or Pete. I banged my hands on the table my music wasn’t helping either. I growled, “Piece the Veil, you suck.”

“Customized to cut your circulation. I couldn’t let you go. No!! I never let you go my dear. So keep talking because I love to hear your voice. Voice again.”

I mean that song had nothing to do with this problem. It just sucked right now. I reached down and took my shoe. I chucked at the CD player and it nailed it on the seek button. Causing the song to change.

I pushed off my desk sending my office chair backwards. I needed to back off. Just for a little bit. Next thing I know Becky was on my desk. I sat up straight, “Yes?”

“He knows.”


“William knows I work for you. Well he’s figuring it out.”

I almost fell out of my chair, “You’re joking!”

“That’s not all.”

I stood up, “What else?”

“It works.”

I closed my eyes and opened them slowly, “What works?”

“Pete can sunlight. The whole house is freaking.”

I smiled, “Are you serious? That’s wonderful news.”

She jumped off my desk and glared at me, “Good news? That’s fucking terrible news. If William gets a hold of it all the Dandies could terrorize during the day. No one would be safe.” She just looked like she could punch me, “And you think it’s a good idea?”

I just opened my mouth and she pointed at me, “One word and I kill you myself.”


“I’m warning you.”


She rolled her eyes at me, “Fine. I guess she’s still William’s.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

She pursed her lips together, “She sure knows how to piss Beckett off.”

I furred my eyebrows, “What did she do?”

She smiled, “You don’t want to know.”

I walked up next to her, “Why the fuck not?”

“Well, you’d probably kill Pete first.”

“What did she DO?”

“She slept with him.”

Pete! Never have I felt the rage I felt so fast. I looked away from her and shook my head. I went back over to my chair. I grabbed it and pushed it across the room. It hit the wall and bounced back revealing a dent in the plastered wall.

“David relax.”

“Relax? You want ME to relax? That bastard is just using my sister. That fucking-”

She put her hand up and I couldn’t talk. Let me go. She put her hand down, “Thank you.”

“Now,” She went over to my chair and sat on it, “We need a plan.”

“Why hasn’t he given her to Pete?”

“This is William. Do you think he’ll keep his word?”

I shook my head, “But-”

She cut me off, “William wants her and he plans to get what he wants. Just face it. She’s Williams now.”

“Pete won’t allow it.”

“If he goes up against William. William wil kill Lilly.”

“Then what’s the point of that?”

“He wants to break Pete. Lilly is his only weakness.”


“No shit Sherlock.”