Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


38 Break who?

Brendon’s POV

I looked up and Ryan walked over to my bed, “Hey.”

I sucked on my canine, “What?”

“William wants you to kill Lilly’s brother.”

I sat up, “Why? I thought his plan was to break Pete. Not Lilly.”

“His ‘plan’ as he calls it is to break her" He did the hand quotations and looked at me, "And you.”


Ryan was always quiet but he was one to pay attention, "He knows you love her. That’s why he told you all those lies.”

“And I believed him!”

I banged my hands on my bed and I looked back up at Ryan. He slightly smiled, “She’ll forgive you.”

“Not if I have to kill her brother.”

“You don’t have a choice. You don’t do this. He’ll kill her.”

“Maybe Max was right.”

Ryan shrugged, “Pete’s bound to be stronger eventually.”

Lilly’s POV

I could name tons of places I’d rather be then here. This situation is not where anyone would want to be. I was sitting in between William’s legs on a car. Brendon was next to us leaning against the hood. He didn’t want anything with me.

His face had healed perfectly. It looked like nothing happened. It’s almost William wanted him to be hurt. I looked back at William. His voice brought me back to reality,

“What sweetheart?”

I looked away and glared at Brendon’s head. Maybe if I was lucky enough I’d burn a hole into it. I felt William’s graceful fingers run through my hair. Pete came over towards us and Brendon growled.

Pete hadn’t made eye contact with me. I tried to slide forward but William stopped me. The hand running through my hair stopped and tilted my head sideways. My breath caught. Pete still hadn’t looked at me.

They’re having a mental conversation.

Thanks Brendon, I just such an idiot.

I know you are.

What is your problem? I haven’t done anything.

I'm sure.

Whatever. I don’t have to say anything to you.

I felt a pressure on my neck and groaned. It was William’s tongue. The bile in my mouth was forced down. William shoved me forward. Sending me forward; I placed my hands forward to embrace the upcoming pain. I never felt it. Pete caught me and pulled me close to him.

“Do it.”

William’s voice was quiet. Too quiet.

I forced back against the car and Pete pinned me to it. He looked down at me and growled. I searched his eyes for anything. His lips crashed against mine and I pulled away. This wasn’t Pete. No one seemed to be acting normal. I felt Pete’s lips reached my neck. I screamed as he plunged his teeth into my neck. I looked over at Brendon and he looked confused. I gasped and Pete pulled back.

“No. Not possible.”

William jumped off of the car and pushed Pete away. William came forward and he reached for me. I moved away and was caught. Brendon caught me and held me in place. Pete was spitting out my blood and trying to clean his mouth off. William moved to the right side of my neck. It was untouched while the other side was still bleeding. He also sank teeth into me.

What is this? A bleeding fest?

He pulled back and his face was burned like Brendon had been. William glared and smacked me hard. I fell back into Brendon’s arm as he tried to steady me after that blow. I looked at him confused. He went over to Pete and grabbed him by the collar and easily lifting him off of the ground.

Pete just smile smugly, “Now who’s pathetic?”

“Put Pete down.”

I looked over and my brother and the guys where standing there a good ten feet from the two men. William threw Pete. Pete landed on a windshield of a car, smashing it into pieces. William strode over to David.

“Happy now?”


William raised his right hand up above him and snapped his fingers. I heard a bang behind us. I looked back over Brendon’s shoulder. Mike had landed on the car. Mike whistled and The Dandies appeared around the corner. I ripped free of Brendon’s grip and ran to Jon. I grabbed his stake and was pulled backwards. William had grabbed me, “Have fun boys.”

Pete came forward and stood in front of David and growled. Patrick looked like he could have cried. Pete was working for William, but why? I shoved the stake back. William stepped back and it missed him. I looked forward. Brendon was fighting David and I couldn’t find Pete. Ryan appeared in front of me and I drove the stake forward. He glared and exploded into ashes.

“That’s it. I’ve had it with you.”

I was grabbed and next thing I know I’m dangling over a buildings roof. William was holding tightly to my arm. I screamed. My fear was heights. William was behind me. His hands reached to my hips holding tightly on to me.


William’s voice scared me. Pete ran down the street towards us. He looked up scared. William pushed me closer to the edge and I backed into him, “William please.”

Pete tried to talk him out of it, “William, be reasonable.”

“If I can’t have her you can’t.”

He locked his hand with my right hand and let me go. I fell downwards slightly and I didn’t let go of William’s hand. I screamed. Both of his hands were holding me over the drop. I tried to grab the edge and he swung me away. With that much force my shoulder pops. I scream in agony and he lets me go.