Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


39 You think?

Lilly’s POV

I reached with my right hand and grabbed the fire escape rail. My armed popped again. I was screaming and trying to hold on. I tried to reach with my left hand but it didn’t work.

“Lilly, let go and I’ll catch you.”

I looked down at him, “Are you fucking kidding me? Do you think I’m fucking crazy?”

“Lilly trust me!”

“Oh yeah. A vampire that made me bleed. How can I trust that?”

“Just do it!”

I couldn’t hold up myself any longer. I let go and shut my eyes tight. I felt Pete’s arm wrap around me. I groaned in pain and he let me stand up. I grabbed my shoulder and groaned again.

“You dislocated it.”

I glared at him, “You think? No, William dislocated my arm.”

“It’s not my fault you breakable,” William screamed back at me.

“The day you break me William you won’t live to see because I’ll be the killing you.”

“Honey, I wasn’t going to break you. I’m breaking someone else.”

I looked over at Brendon and David they where screaming at each other.

“I need to fix my arm.”

My whispers were so soft Pete could barely hear me. He came and grabbed my arm, “Pete? What are you doing?”

He pulled hard and I screamed as he popped it back in place. He let go and I fell to my knees.

“Oh my god! Fuck!”

“Get up Lilly.”

I looked at his shoes, “Fuck you Peter.”

He pulled me up by the hair, “What the hell Peter?”

“William still watching.”

I ripped myself away from him, “Is that all this has been? To make William jealous? To make Brendon hate me? Who are YOU trying to break? William or ME? Don’t ever come near me again. I refuse to let you use me.”

“Lilly, be reasonable. Why would I have sex with you and tell you lies?”

“You’re lying to William too. Who knows?”

“I don’t think this is a place to talk about this.”

I walked up to him, “No, it’s perfect.”

I looked over at my brother and say Brendon holding David off the ground. I squinted and saw William stride over. I pushed past Peter and started my way over. William pulled out a knife.


I screamed and William pulled David’s neck backwards and slit his neck wide open. Most of the blood gushing on David’s clothes and on Brendon’s face and neck. I kept running towards them and was pulled back. Pete was holding me, “Pete let me go.”

Brendon looked at William horrified. He let David go and William let him fall. David was gasping. Brendon bent down and tried to stop the bleeding. I pulled out of Pete’s inhuman death grip. I went over and collapsed next to Brendon. I reached forward and pulled David’s head into my lap. He looked at me. His pupils were dilated and searching.


His eyes locked with mine and he was gasping. I stroked his face, “Don’t.”

“David,” Brendon’s voice was soft.

David looked at him, “Keep….”

“What? Keep what?”

“Her…Keep her safe.”

I tried to get David to look me in the eyes, “Me?”

I piped in and David nodded. He stopped moving. He was gone. This was my last family member. I started balling. No. No. I started to beat at his chest.

“Wake up! Wwake up goddamn it!”

I felt myself trying to be pulled away by someone. I pulled away, “No.” I hugged David’s body close to mine. I didn’t care for the blood on me. I wanted to be close to David. I wanted of hear some kind of heart beat. They pulled at me again.


I was rocking back and forth.


Brendon was crying and looked at him, “You!”

Brendon looked down at his hands, “Lilly, I’m sorry!”

“Sorry, you’re sorry; for what? You never do anything. You are a coward. All you do is follow like a puppy dog.”

“Lilly don’t take this out on Brendon. He had no control of this situation.”

“Fuck you Pete! My brother is dead and none of you are doing anything. None of you helped him.”

“How Lilly?” I glared at Brendon.

“You could have turned him.”

“Lilly, he was losing too much blood. I couldn’t have.”

“No, you didn’t want to die from William killing you.”

I saw a stake next to David and reached for it. I stood up and both guys faced me, “Stay away from me. Both of you. And you,” I pointed at Pete, “Will get your stiff and leave my home.”

“This is rubbish Lilly.”

“How can you say that Brendon? My brother is dead. He was all I had.”

Pete came a little closer, “And you’re all I have.”

“Shut up Pete” I was waving the stake at him, “Just shut you mouth. I don’t want to hear you.”

“Oh shut up Lilly.”

I looked over at David and he got off of the ground, “You get annoying sometimes.”