Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 4 Rooms

Lilly’s POV

I returned back up and they all where in the same spots.

“Um…I guess you want rooms right?”

“If not too much trouble…I’m Andy by the way.” The last man with reddish brown hair shook my hand.

“Um well. Letls see. Patrick?”

He looked up at me, “Yeah?”

“Um. I think I’m going to give you David’s room. Andy and Joe is it? Um, follow me.”

They followed me around the corner and to a door, “This was my parents room, but one of you can have it.”

“I’ll take it,” Andy answered softly

I nodded and headed upstairs and down the hall.

“Here…” I opened a door to my right, “This will be yours…”

“Who is it?”

“It was just a quest bedroom. Noting special. Do you want me to make you something to eat?”

He laughed lightly, “Well, you don’t have to but if you want you to you can.”

I nodded and returned downstairs with Joe.

“Um Pete? Hang on.”

I reached in a cupboard and grabbed a can of black spray paint.

“Follow me,” Pete came and Patrick followed at his heels.

I went downstairs and entered the bedroom. I grabbed a chair and dragged it to a window. One of other the windows had been fixed but we had placed wood in front of it because it wouldn’t lock. So this was the main widow that was a problem.

I shook up the bottle and took of the lid. I sprayed the window from the top covering it very slowly. Trying to make sure it wouldn’t let sun through. It covered rather nicely. I jumped down and place the lid back on.

“If it doesn’t work we can board it up.”

He didn’t even acknowledge me. Fine, jerk. I glared at him. It was pointless to be angry at him. I wasn't going to get anything out of it. I sighed and needed a break already.

“Patrick, follow me.” I turned and walked out.

“I think this would be better for you to know.”

He looked at me confused, “What?”

“Well…” I showed him David’s room of stuff.

Patrick passed me and went up to all the stuff, “Wow. Is this all about Vampires?”

“And case studies.”

Patrick was undoubtly shcoked, “He’s done way more then me.”

“Your room is right there” I pointed to the door next to him.

“I want to thank you for letting us stay and seeing this. It really helps.”

I jumped as Pete's voice came from behind me, “Hey Patrick?”

“Yeah Pete?”

“Where are we supposed to practice?”

Patrick furred his eyebrows, “Uh…I’m not sure.”

“To fight?” I asked

Patrick let his word drag,“Yeah.”

“Um… I think I can help.”

I went up stairs and went through a hall to our garage. It had many surprises. I opened the door and flicked on the light. David’s car was parked in here. He just left it. Which bugged me because it meant the world to him.

“What kind of car is that?” Patrick asked me.

“1967 Chevy Impala. David and I rebuilt it.”

“Nice job…”

“Thank you.

When you first enter you think nothings out of the ordinary. It has the tools on the walls and David’s car and some oil stains. Well, if you lift the tops of the cabinets and drawers you met a bunch of weapons. I went over to one and I lifted the lid and showed them all the stuff. We also had a place to make stakes. I had found so much I found out in two days.

“Is this good? I can park my car on the street if you want?”

Patrick's jaw dropped in shock, “This is amazing! Thank you.”

“No problem.”

Pete looked at the wall, “Patrick…..Dirty’s at the door”

I ran back trough the thing and up at the door, “You can’t let him in! He wasn’t allowed to stay.”

I stood in front of the door. Pete picked me up and Patrick opened the door

“Put me down!”

“Oh relax. Dirty isn’t a problem. He’s just delivering stuff.”


He dropped me on the couch and the man called Dirty came in with a box, “Hey Peter.”


“Is that his sister?”

“Yeah, she’s a brat.”

I glared at Pete. I wasn’t much of a person who got angry fast but he could be at least a little nice. Just because he thinks he’s so macho.

“I grabbed your guy’s instruments.”


“Yeah. I’m also delivering his inventions and files. Do you know how much crap you guys had?”

“A lot.”

“I even got Andy’s god damn drum set.”

“He’ll be happy. Any news?”

“On Beckett?”

“No the president.” He growled.

I was just curled in a ball. They were taking over my stuff. This isn’t fair. Act like they can just barge in here. Who do they think they are?

Eventually everyone was settled and the “Dirty” man had left. I was cooking dinner for these freaks. They were all around. I think Joe was with Andy with their instruments. Cause I could hear a guitar and drums in the other room. I guess Andy was the drums and Joe was the guitar. Patrick was obviously downstairs with all the new info he could get a hold of. Pete? I think was in the garage.

I finally finished and didn’t really set any thing up…I’d let them do it themselves. Well, I made a plate for Patrick. I took the plate and a drink to him.

“Hey Pat?”

He grunted in response and then turned, “Yeah?”

“Here,” On a near by table I placed it down, “I thought you’d like something to eat.”

He got up and came over “Well thanks. At least you can cook. Andy wasn’t too bad but this actually looks really good.”

“Where you guys in a band?”

“Yes. After Pete got bit it kind of went all down hill.”

I frowned, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

I left and went to the guys, “Hey”

Joe stopped strumming his guitar, “What?”

“Dinners in the kitchen if you want it.”

“Sweet!” Joe put his guitar down and ran into the kitchen. Andy soon followed suit. I just headed to find Pete.
