Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


40 “What the hell dude?”

Lilly’s POV

“What the hell dude?”

David smiled and felt at his neck, it was starting to heal, “Damn! Vampires do heal fast.”

Brendon looked at David with his jaw on the ground, “How? How the hell and why the hell would you do that to me?”

“Oh relax Brendon. Becky’s a smart girl.”

“You fucking douche bag!”

David looked at my out burst, “Lilly. I’m sorry. I had to wait till William was far enough away to pull out of this act.”

I shook my head, “No…”

David came close to me and hugged me, “You fucking jerk! Let go of me!”

“Lilly relax!”

“I beat at his chest the best I could, “Let…go…of…me.”

“Lilly,” David’s voice was quiet and raspy, “I’m sorry but I knew William was going to hurt me. I had to find a way to cheat death. I had to live to protect you.”

He let me go and I pulled back glaring. I wiped my eyes to remove tears, “Why are you lying to me too?”


I turned my back on them and headed towards David’s car. I got in the drivers side. The keys where still in here. I let my hand take the key and turn it. The car started right up. I shifted it in drive and heard a loud bang on the roof. I didn’t care. I pulled a U-turn and drove out of there.

When I hit a red light I hit the brakes and pulled to the line. I say the passenger door open and Pete crawled in. He closed the door and the light turned green. I pulled off of the brake and on to the gas.


“Don’t talk to me.”

I wasn’t upset anymore. I was furious. Absolutely furious…There is no way to measure my anger. Maybe in how many times I was going to hurt Pete. I took shortcuts and made it home as quickly as I could. I pulled to the curb in front of our house and turned off the car.

“You are not allowed in my house until David comes home.”

Pete nodded and I got out leaving him in there. I slamed the door shut and ran up to the house. I forced the key in the hole and turned. I pushed the door open. I pulled the key out and closed the door. I set all the locks including the chain. I reached over and set the alarm system.

Note this was Pete we were talking about. I bet if I had a bug zapper that shot lasers at the bugs; Pete would still get past it. None of this was going to hold him back. Maybe he would take my advice and stay out.

I headed to my kitchen and found some pop tarts. I opened the packed and didn’t bother toasting them. I just ate away at them. Who ever said comfort food doesn’t work was sadly mistaken.

“Thou art a villain.”

I looked up to see Brendon standing there I glared at him, “Are you calling me the villain?”

He shook his head, “We know who the real enemy is.”

I smiled, “I’m just going to keep my mouth shut.”

“I’m sorry.”

“For being a douche?”

“Yeah” He scratched the back of his head and smiled, “About that. William told me some stuff. I should have known they were lies.”

“This is William we are talking about.”

“Yeah, good point. I am sorry.”

I just looked at my shoes. I bit my lip in frustration. I shook my head and heard banging on the door. Who cared? I know I didn’t.

“We need to get you safe. William is going to want to kill you.”

“Oh really?” I looked up at him and glared, “I thought he had hormonal lusting towards me.”

Brendon cracked a smile, “Well yeah. Who wouldn’t? Anyways, I’m serious. You need a place to hide.”

“Where am I gonna go? William has my blood, Pete’s and yours. He knows every option I could do. I can’t do anything. I’m going to die. Brendon, I’m eighteen. I don’t want to die.”

“Your not gonna die. We can beat him. Pete’s is obviously stronger.”

I cut him off, “How do you know? Are you truly sure?”

“Look, William got burned when he bit you. He hadn’t given you to Pete yet, that means his stronger. The mark stays with the stronger vampire cause the stronger has a better chance of staying alive.”

“Dude, you are dead.”

“Shut up. Anyways, you're safe as long as you with-”

Pete came in and walked right up to me. I backed up into the counter and he placed his hands on either side of my body. His body was pressed right against my own. The coolness of his skin gave me goose bumps. He looked down at me emotionless. I gulped and his hands moved to the small of my back.

He pulled me closer to him to where my lips where inches away. I exhaled the breathe I was holding and one of right hand pulled my left arm over his shoulder. He leaned down and captured my lips.

Let go of me.

No. Not until you forgive me for what ever I did. What did I do.

Uh? Use me?

He slid his tongue into my territory and explored. I moaned and wrapped my hands around his neck. We eventually pulled back so I could breathe. I looked over at Brendon and he had turned away. It had to be bothering him.

Bren, I’m sorry.

I pushed Pete away and he stumbled backwards. Brendon turned around and pursed his lips together, “Its fine…”

“So Bren,” I shoved my hands into my pockets, “What’s this plan of yours?”