Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


41 No. Never. Ever.

Lilly’s POV

I looked at Brendon, “Where are we?”

I mean come on dude. We were in the middle of the woods. Trees were all around us. The trees were so tall it blocked out the moon. I was wondering if we were even in Illinois anymore.

We kept walking and we and finally reached a cabin. I tugged on Brendon’s sleeve. He looked back at me and glared, “What?”

“Where are we?”

He shrugged me off, “Somewhere.”

“Oh that’s nice.”

He rolled his eyes and let me towards the cabin. I stopped behind him tossing my backpack to the ground and he dug his fingers into David’s jeans. He had borrowed clothes and they didn’t exactly fit him. I watch as he bit his lip in frustration trying to get the keys.

“Good lord.”

I laughed at him and he pulled them out.

“Ah ha!”

I cracked up and his smile vanished, “Shut up”

He unlocked the door and let us in. I grabbed my backpack and pulled it back to my body. Once in I, again, dropped my backpack. God, it’s freezing. I folded my arms around me and shivered. It was freezing in here. Outside might actually be warmer.


Brendon took of his coat and held it out for me to take. I mumbled a quiet thank you and put his coat on.

“I’m gonna get the fire place to work. Just go sit and don’t touch anything.”

I nodded and dragged my backpack to a chair and collapsed in it. This was going to be my new home for a while. Which sucks by the way! I heard Brendon grunt and walk past me.

“I don’t know why you’re grunting you have no clue what I’m taking about.”

He looked at me and threw a piece of wood in the fire place. I looked away from him and took in my surroundings. This place was dusty. It looked like a typical cabin that just wasn’t used often. I’m expecting to find a dead body sometime because it’s so “not used.”

Brendon laughed and fire erupted from the fire place. He backed up and turned to me, “Fire.”

“Where are we?”

He shrugged, “My aunt’s cabin.”

“And this is going to protect me how?"

“It's on holy ground.”

“That won’t stop William.”

“He can’t kill you on holy ground.”

I gave him a completely serious look, “That won’t stop him.”

He rubbed his temples, “Just shut up. He’s going after Pete first.”

“So I have to sit back and wait my turn?”

Brendon came over and sat on me. His knees were on either side of my hips. He cupped my face, “Don’t worry. it’ll be over in a couple of days.”

I blushed, “You’re a little close.”

He smiled and leaned closer, “You haven’t pushed me away.”



“This isn’t you.”

“Of course it is” He backed off of me, “Why wouldn’t I be myself?”

A memory flash passed my eyes. I had remembered reading one night about body transfers. That some how, they could change or take over someone else’s body. I bolted up and backed up. He looked puzzled, “Sweetheart?”

“Brendon Boyd Urie doesn’t call me sweetheart.”

“I’ve called you sweetheart before.”

“No his hasn’t.”

“Why are you talking in third person?”

“You’re not Brendon.”

By now I had backed behind the chair I had been sitting in. I packed up even more. Brendon’s face harden and he took a step towards me. I almost didn’t want to say what I was about to say.

“Beckett calls me sweetheart.”

A devilish smirk formed on his face. The lips were perfectly curled up. He mouthed the word bingo. I took in a shaky breathe, “Then where is Brendon?”

“That doesn’t matter.”

I heard the door lock. I knew I wouldn't be able to open it. William would definitely use his powers to keep me here. I backed up and eventually couldn’t go any father. I turned around. I was the way I came from but I couldn’t get there. There was some kind of force keeping me in this room. I place my hand out and it felt like glass. I was stuck in this room with him.

I whipped around and William wasn’t around. I went over to the fire place and grabbed the lovely pointed object. I kept my eyes moving for any sign of William. I backed into the corner and waited. Still no sign of him. My breathing was still crazy.

“You should just give in. It's easier to give in.”

I couldn’t see him anywhere, “Come out coward. I’m just a human. Remember?”

I felt my weapon ripped from my hand and thrown across the room. William was in front of me, “Believe me. I remember.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought I’d list the story that got me motivated to write this story….its one of my favorite….IT IS SO GOOD…go read it….you have to…you will be blown away at her writing….It should be published and her name is: Rawr-its-Andrea(Quizilla)

she hasn’t been writing but omg its good…I remember going everyday hoping she updated her sequel.

Here’s a link to her profile page….read her stories!