Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 5 ***! I know what that is. Its called Pete Wentz

Lilly’s POV

“Pete?” I stepped in the garage.

Pete chucked a stake landing it on t paper just left of the heart, but not on it. He turned and glared at me. Like I was the problem for him missing. Man, I hate people who think they’re god.

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Your mind said it all.” He came up next to me and looked down at me, “Don’t piss someone who can kick you’re ass any day.”

I stood tall, “I’m not afraid of you.”

He slammed me into a wall, “You should be.”

“Why?” I struggled to get out of he’s grasp.


Patrick sighed as he came in, “Pete, out her down. Your threat is William not her.”

He let go of me and I hit the floor. I got up and grabbed the nearest stake and threw it at him. He caught it in mid air right before it hit him in the chest.

Patrick sounded surprised, “She’s good.”

Pete glared, “I could kill her in an instant. She’s not strong enough.”

“Let’s see. JOE!”

Joe came in with his plate anda mouthful of food, “What?”

“We want to see how well “trained” Lilly is…”


“Fight her. So we can see.”

Joe groaned and placed his plate down and came over to me. He looked like he was going to be ill. I was kind of scared. I’ve never really fought anyone before.

Joe came up to me. I don’t think he knew how to start it. He tried to punch me and I blocked. I was trying to remember what David had taught me. He reached again and I smacked it away and nailed him in the face.


I grabbed a stake and threw it. Pete ran and caught it. He broke it in half and charged at me. I dodged him. Time to add some of those gymnastics. I flipped to the wall and grabbed a stake. Why not make it dramatic? He ran towards me and I chucked it. It hit him in the arm.

He came and grabbed me by the neck. I dug me nails into his arm. I kicked and he let go. I fell to the ground and I jumped up. Only to be talked down. He was hovering over me. Let me tell you. It was freaky. I just froze up.

“Come on, the Dandies would have killed you by now. Don’t freeze up.” He leaned closer, “Don’t show that you don’t know what to do. Think of something.”

So I did. I kicked him. Well, kneed him. Where the sun doesn’t shine and flipped him off of me. He didn’t really react. I got up and ran to get another stake. Why are we doing this again?

Pete pushed me to the wall. I backed up into his chest and tried to push off the wall. No dice.

“Okay, enough before you kill each other.”

“Aww…” Joe groaned, “She could kill some Dandies if she kept it up.”

“She freezes when she runs out of ideas.” Pete got up and put things back.

Patrick came to my defense, “Well, can you blame her? She’s never fought a vampire before.”

“Dude, it’s not my fault she doesn’t know. If she wants to survive she needs to learn how.”

“What do you know?” Patrick looked at me.

“Um? Not much.”

“We should take her out tonight to fight.” Pete spoke softly, “So she can see.”

“Pete? Is that reasonable? Is she ready for an attack?” Andy said sitting on the floor.

“There are plenty of newborns she can fight. At least it can train her.”

“Good point.” Patrick turned to me, “Are you up to it?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know.”

“We’ll have to see.”