Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 6 I wanna start a fight!

Lilly’s POV

“Lilly! LILLY!”

Opened my eyes and met a pair of hazel eyes, “Pat?”

“Are you okay?”

He sat at the end of my bed and I sat up. I ran a hand through my hair, “Uh? I really don’t know.”

“You where screaming. We thought you where in trouble.”

I actually took a moment and saw three other people looking in my room.

“She had a dream about William. He was ripping her apart.”

I looked up at Pete. How could he? Oh wait, he’s a vampire. Which isn’t fair. I like my thoughts to be mine and mine alone.

“Well? We’re going hunting. Do you want to come?”

I noded slightly and got up, “Yeah, just give me a few minutes.”

Patrick nodded and ushered the guy out. I closed he door and went to my closet. Now I was afraird. I’ve never benn in this position before. Killing vampires? So not me. I don’t even kill spiders.

I pulled of a pair of jeans and grabbed a shirt. Most likely the shirt belonged to David. I qalways steal his clothes. I changed quickly and put on some shoes. I headed downstairs and met up with the guys.

We all got into their car and Patrick started driving us to downtown. It’s two in the morning and I was freaking. I had no idea what to do. This is insane. What was I getting myself into?

“Lily relax,” Pete said next to me.

“Stop reading my thoughts.”

“I’m not. You blocked them. I can hear your heartrate screaming.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Just make sure you don’t get yourself into trouble.”

I snorted at Pete’s comment. I always get in trouble.

“And stay with the newborns. Don’t go find anyone else.”

I nodded and Pat pulled to a stop. We all got out and Pete pulled up my hood. Overprotective much? He handed me a stake and walked past me. Here goes nothing.

I stood next to Joe and we waited. Within two minutes I heard footsteps. Keep your ground and don’t back off.Those things are the reason your brother is gone. I sighed. So much for reasurance.

They became visable. A group of at least one hundred people came up and stopped infront of us. I could see Brendon. I bet he went to the dark evil side cause William offered cookies.

Every vampire craked up. Including Pete, Apparently, I hadn’t kept my thoughts to myself. The head guy, whom I’m asumming is Willaim Beckett, looked right at me and smiled.

“Well, Whose this? A new recrut? You must intrduce me.”

Brendon got close to William’s ear. I have a feeling its not a good thing. William nodded and mad eye contact with me.

“Alright Brendon.” He looked at Pete.

Pete hissed and growled, “Beckett”

“Well? Are you going to introduce me? Or should I?”

William stepped forward and tipped his hat, “I am William Beckett…I..” He paused and turned slightly to the people behind him, “am the creator of the Dandies.”

I took a good look at the people. Most of them I new. Some where my frinds from high school. They where all vampires. What the hell? Well, I guess things change.

Within seconds William let them loose right as the bar crowds started soming out. Lovley, how nice to do that. I was soon wrapped in a fight. Not doing too bad. Which is surprising. Out of the cornor of my eye I could see Pete fighting. He was so fast and strong.

I stabbed the vampire in the chest and he exploded. I felt kinda bad. I was killing someone. Hey, they’ve hurt more people. Within five minutes I had killed three newborns. With more practice I probalby could make it a lot more. But hey, what do you expect? I’m just a small girl who is learning.

I soon was pinned to a wall. I bet you could guess who. The lovly Brendon Urie. I was despretly trying ro get out of his iron grip. Did I get any where. No, zip, nothing…Absoluly nothing at all.

“Why are you working with them?”

“I’m not.”

“Don’t lie!”

“I’m not! I just tagged along.”

“I bet your wondering about your brother.”

“Yeah, I am.”

“You don’t know do you?”

“Know what?”

“Are you older then your bother?”

“No. Younger.”

He glared and leaned in closee, “Are you telling the truth?”

I nodded.

He was creepying me out, “Do you have tattoo?”

“Yes I do. I got it slammed on me when I was eight.”

“Do you know what it looks like?”

I shook my head, “Should I?”

He shook his head and laughed, “Honey, you're in big trouble.”

He dragged me out of the ally way and up to a car. People where still fighting and screaming. I tried to get him to let me go. Again, no dice. At all! Vampires suck. I mean they do but. Oh forget it! We stopped and I bumped into him. I twisted my wrist and he held tighter.

“Hey sweetheart. Up here.”

I looked up and saw William on a car looking down at me. He slid of the car and Brendon let go if me. William was right infront of me. It was really scary because I’m only five foot four and he was at least six foot three. He grabbed me and made me sit on the top of the trunk. He placed hands beside me and looked me right in the eye.

“You smell really good.”

I could say the same about him. His aroma was intoxicating. I thougth I was going to be ill. I looked away from him and he moved his face so I could see him. This was so not creapy. Note: I’m saying it sarcasticly.

“Tell me about yourself.”


“I want to know who you are.”


“Alright. What else? Age?”

“Just turned eighteen.”

William sighe and stroked my cheek, “You’re so young and pure. Inocence is a gift. Keep it locked away tight.”

“Dude. What meds are you on?”

William smiled, “I never thought you’d have a vile tounge. You must have taken after your brother."

“What do you want?”

“Honey, I have it…”

I shook my head at him, “You make no sense.”

I screamed as there was a bang og the hood of the car. I turned slightly and saw Pete. He got closer and reached for me. William tried to grab me and I leaned back and Pete pulled me up. Next thing I know I hear a snap and where in my kichten.

Pete let go of me and I landed on the tile. I layed down on it. Nice and cool. Whoa back it up. Hit rewind.

“How did you do that?”

Pete shrugged, “Vampires just can.”

Patrick and the other two came in and colasped on the floor. We where all tired. What a night!