Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 7 Owned

Lilly’s POV

“So how did you do?”

I glanced at Patrick and shrugged. We all were sitting in my living room. We were all tried except for Pete. But the boy’s dead so it doesn’t really count. Speaking of Pete, I guess he was making a “shake.”

Now it’s not the yummy ice cream and whipped cream. It’s exactly the opposite. Nasty animal blood, holy water, and garlic. Eww!! I guess it’s to help stop blood lust. Let’s hope it works.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

I rolled my eyes, “It was okay. I killed like four in ten minutes.”

I felt like I was being interrogated, “What were you and Beckett talking about?”

“Uh. He asked some questions about me and my brother.”

They three boys looked at each other and Joe was the next to speak, “About?”

“Name, age and stuff. Oh and if I knew about what was going on-”

Patrick continued to speak, “Do you know what your brother is doing right now?”


Pete came back in, “You should just tell her so she knows.”

I looked at them both, “Know what?”

“Fine” Patrick whispered, “Only cause she needs to know.”

I tried to encouage them, “Well….?”

I got more questons, “What do you know about your parents?”

“Not much. I can’t even remember what they look like.”

Partick looked uneasy, “Well, according to the contract., the second child of your family belongs to Beckett in exchange of becoming immortal.”

Well, that's just fucked up. “So you’re telling me, that my parents wanted immortal life and in exchange they had to give up a child?”

“Second child.”

“Who in there right mind would do that?”

“She had cancer. She was going to die anyways”

“Whoa wait. You said second child. That would be me!”

“Yeah, but apparently you where to get a tattoo and David got the same one. Just to fool Beckett in taking him instead of you.”

“Yeah," I nodded in agreement, "I got the tattoo when I was eight”

“Oww….” Joe moaned.

“What is it?” Pete spoke quietly.

“You tell me…” I stood up and turned facing my couch.

I lifted my shirt lightly. I flinch as someone ran a cold hand on the tattoo.

“Sorry.” Pete whispered, "It's the letters 'w' and 'b' in thorns."

“So? Now what? He’s found out…”

Patick patted his knee, “Well, we have to figure what his plans are.”

Pete spoke up, “Becky.”

“Yeah! Great idea Pete.”

I looked around confused, “Who’s Becky?”

“Well, you can call her a spy. She lives with the Dandies but reports to us. She’s on our side.”

“How can you trust her?”

Joe spoke, “We don’t let her know what we do…”

“Whatever you say. Well, I’m going to bed.”

“Night” They all mumbled at the same time.

I went up to my room and closed the door. I changed into my pajamas and turned. I gasped. Brendon was sitting on the floor with a cat in his arms. There where a bunch of cats in this neighborhood and I would feed them. The cat was purring and Brendon scratched its ears.

“You’re still pretty.”

I blushed, “Why are you here?”

The cat got up and walked to my window. It jumped up and out to the tree next to the window. Brendon got up and walked to my bed. He picked up my teddy bear and collapsed on my bed.


“Come sit with me.”

I slowly started backing up, “Uh. No.”

“I promise I won’t hurt you.”

“You’re probably planning to kill me or take me to William.”

I slowly continued my journey backwards. I heard a snap and Brendon disappeared. It soon followed with another and I turned around and Brendon was in front of my door.

He tilted his head to the side, “Are you uncomfortable with me around?”

I shook my head. He started walking forward. I stepped backwards. Doesn’t this happen a lot in scary movies?

“What do you want Brendon?”

I had reached a wall. Brendon closed the gap between us. He leaned on arm over my right shoulder by my head. The other caressed my cheek.

“If you’re going to try to coax me into a situation you are sadly mistaken Urie.”

He smirked and leaned down and his lips brushed mine softly, “I’m not trying to coax.”

“You never answered my question.”

“Brendon. Leave her alone.”

I looked over his shoulder and saw Beckett sitting in my desk chair. Brendon mumbled a “yes sir” and backed away from me. He looked at Beckett. A snap was heard and he disappeared. It was just me and Beckett now. And let me tell you it’s very awkward and creepy.
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