Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 8 William Beckett

Lilly’s POV

“Don’t Scream….”

Beckett’s voice was calm and quiet. Kay I really wanted to freak out. Strong vampire vs. human. Yeah I was going to die. He shifted in the seat. For once I took in his looks. He was without his hat and was in a button up shirt. He was wearing black slacks and normal boring shoes. His brown hair lay messy and unkempt on his head.

I think his coat was on the back of my chair. He stood up and went to my door. He leaned against it and smiled. Now, I won’t say I’m scared but seriously? I’m falling apart. I backed up to my nightstand. I had a stake hiding in a drawer.

“Am I seriously that scary that you need to protect yourself?”

I didn’t respond. Next thing I know I’m up against the wall with him in front of me. I pushed at his chest. This did nothing. I’m getting tired of being in this position. He grabbed me my hips and placed me on my table

“You are so small.”

“Well, it’s not my fault your tall.”

He laughed, “Do you know why I’m here?”

“No. Nor do I want to know.”

“You’re lying.”

“I am not!”

“Honey, I can read you like a book.”

“Then close it and put it down.”

I heard a crack and Brendon was back in the room. William smiled at me.

He spoke softly, “If you want to coax a woman….You have to be a hundred percent gentle.”

He leaned in closer as I leaned back. I need help. I concentrated on Pete and Pete alone. I need you help Pete. I looked back at William right in the eye and his facial expression hadn’t changed. I guess he didn’t know. He pressed his forehead against mine and linked our lips together. He forced his tongue through my lips and into my mouth.

My nose was willed with is “aroma”. Whatever you wanted to call the attracting smell. It was intoxicating. I was screaming Pete’s name in my head. I pushed at his chest and he backed off. I could here someone coming up the stairs.

“I’m sorry I have to go. I will come back for you love.”

As Pete opened my door Brendon had disappeared and William grabbed his coat and left too. I sighed and looked at Pete. He came over and grabbed me. He dragged me to my bathroom.

“Get them off and wash yourself. You smell like William.”

“Oh thanks. I could have died and your complaining I smell.”

He rolled his eyes, “When you’re done come down and talk to me.”

I went in and locked up the bathroom. I don’t want any awkward moments. I smelled my shirt. William’s smell was faintly on my shirt. I can’t explain the smell, but I did notice it was stronger then Brendon’s. I wonder if that meant any thing.

I started my shower and peeled of my pajamas and got in the shower. The warm water helped me relax my tense muscles. They really need it. I sighed and washed my hair. My thoughts slowly traveled back to William. I blushed; I’ve never been in a situation like that before.

William’s POV

I smiled and licked my lips. I closed my eyes and bought that memory back. She tasted so sweet. A pure goddess she was. She was so close to being mine. I opened my eyes as Brendon dragged in her brother.

“You are a lair Dave. I don’t like liars.”

Brendon held him up, “What are you taking about?”

“Your sister. She is very beautiful.”

He had a fixed jaw. He glared at me. He tried to stand up. Which after a few seconds he did and tried to charge at me. Brendon nailed him behind the knee cap. Sending them both to the ground.

“You said you wouldn’t touch her.”

“If you didn’t lie, and you did, so I’m allowed to.”

“Keep your filthy hands off of her.”

I couldn't hold back my smile, “A kiss can’t hurt. Her lips are so soft.”

David growled and Brendon held him tighter.

“So, you lied. She’s the younger one. She belongs to me.”

“Well, you have me. Get over it.”

They surrounding people laughed as I did, “I can always exchange. Which I plan to.”

Lilly’s POV

I changed into new pajamas and went down to Pete’s room. I yawned; I still hadn’t gone to bed. I knocked lightly. A soft “come in” was the answer to my knock. I went in and Pete was on his bed. He had his arms folded behind his head and he was staring at the ceiling.

“You wanted to see me?” I closed the door.

Darkness filled the room. My eyes where adjusting slowly. I could still see Pete’s outline. He sat up and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. He padded the bed. I went over and sat down.

“Look, I’m going to tell you this once and only once.”

I nodded for him to continue.

“You’re in grave danger. A lot of danger. I think William wants you majorly. We need to make sure your watched at all times.”


“Look, I’m not doing this because it’s the heroic think. I’m doing this cause you’re brother told me to protect you.”


“I’m going to move the couch up to your room. So we can take shifts watching over you.”

“Thank you. For helping me.”


“I mean it and….uh…”

“You wanted to know how I knew he was here.”


“Well the screaming in my head helped. You sounded like you were in danger.”

“So it did work?”

“Yeah. It was rather strange. I didn’t think you could scream so loud.”

I laughed, “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s my job to protect you.”

“Do you think my brother is okay?”

“Do you want me to lie or tell the truth?”

My eyes started to water, “Lie.”

“Terrible, he probably died.”

I forced out a laugh, mostly a frustrated one, “I said lie!”

And for once he smiled, “I did.”

“Well, you’re a bad liar.”

“No I’m not.”

And that was the first time I saw the person who was trapped in a prison. Not knowing his story; I could tell there was a human in there. Not a murder. He was someone and William took it away.
