Sequel: Devotion and Desire
Status: Completed


Part 9 Happy Birthday!

Lilly’s POV

I bolted upward in my bed. Sweat covered me in a thick lather. I really need to stop having bad dreams. I ran my hands through my hair and desperately trying to calm my erratic breathing.

I glanced over at the newly placed couch. Pete was sprawled over it. He seemed asleep. Can a vampire sleep? I guess so. He rolled over on his side and was facing me. He eyes, ad what I could see, where still closed.

I laid back down and looked up at my clock. It read eight thirty in the morning. I only had four hours of sleep. I yawned and stretched. I realized something. My window was going to let sun hit Pete. I got up and went to the window. I pulled the dark curtains over the window. I hope it will help.

My phone ringed causing Pete to wake up. I mumbled a soft “sorry” and answered my phone.


“Hey sweetheart it’s me Amber.”

“Morning Amber,” I sat in my bed.

“Well, you sound good.”

“Oh thanks. What do you want?” Pete got up and sat next to me.

“Well god, I just wanted to know if you could come to the bar to night. We’re celebrating my birthday.”

“Oh my god I totally forgot. Um, I don’t know.”

Pete shook his head and mouthed a “no”.

“Aw please?”

“Amber, I’m not sure.”

“Oh come on what could happen?”


“Oh come on! After everything you should have some time out. Nice relaxtion time.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Fine,” she hanged up.


“We hold in our hearts the sword and the faith
Swelled up from the rain, clouds move like a wraith
Well after all, we'll lie another day
And through it all, we'll find some other way
To carry on through cartilage and fluid
And did you come to stare or wash away the blood?”

I furiously ran the brush through my hair. This was nuts. What was I on? I was planning on going to the bar. At night and alone. I’d say that’s a death wish. I quickly put on some makeup and went to my door. I could hear the blender and all of them talking. Good.

I climbed out my window and, well, climbed down the tree. Which was extremely scary. I started my journey to the oh to familiar bar. I had gone insane. After a few minutes and blocks I reached the door. Paul was there.

“Hey Lilly! Come up here.”

I walked passed the line of people and he let me into the bar. I walked up to the counter and say Michael. Wow, a lot of people I haven’t seen in forever. I sat in one of the stools and he smiled a cheeky grin.

“Hey sweetheart. Your brother know your out this late?”

I shrugged.

“I’m only giving you a shot alright but only cause its Amber’s birthday.”

I nodded in agreement.

He handed me a shot glass and poured, what appeared to be, tequila. I lifted it to my lips quickly and swallowed it.

“Hey you made it,” I turned and saw Amber in front of me.

I spoke uneasy. “Yeah.”

“Come on.”

She dragged me to the dance floor with all the people. I was just gonna let her do anything she wanted. I didn’t really care. We where soon pressed together as the loud music screamed in our ears.

Later that night I had convinced Michael to give me more shots and was now a little tipsy. I stopped caring how we where dancing. I needed to relax and forget everything. When we had started dancing again Amber was soon grabbed by a guy. He seemed in his early twenties. Brown hair and brown eyes to match. He had a skinny build and seemed really relaxed.

“Who is that?” I mouthed.

“My boyfriend Ryan,” She screamed back.

I made an “oh” face and continued to dance. I guess after a break up and figuring out about vampires really changes you. I just needed to clear my mind. That’s when I smelled it. A strong aroma. It was beginning to suffocate me. I was soon grabbed by the hips and felt a pelvis slam against my own. Now who the hell would do that. I shouldn’t say who, I should say what vampire would.

I was pressed back into the creature. It held an iron grip on my hips. We continued moving to the beat. I turned around and met a pair of familiar pair of eyes. What the hell?
