
Chapter 22 – The Result - by Vincent Tyler

We’ve woken up the next morning feeling way too wound up. It was a mixture of excitement and anxiety. We all really wanted for the world to be back to how it was before; therefore we bravely stepped outside and began making observations.
After observing the world and ourselves for a couple of hours I made the following conclusion.
My fix of the machine had worked. The people stopped lying. Not completely of course, but just stopped letting it govern their thoughts. The humanity was more or less back to normal. However that came at a price. Everyone had lost some blocks of their memory. It’s as if the wave randomly erased parts of our minds. It was just like a Queen’s gambit in chess. You sacrifice your Queen – the best piece on the board in order to checkmate an opponent and achieve victory. I could hardly remember much about my life in my universe which I came from, the names of people went all blurry and it’s as if I got a fresh start at life since I arrived here with some memories of the one before. Christina also forgot a lot about her past. For her it was good, since a lot of her past troubled her, but now those painful memories were gone. Pete… poor Pete, he forgot a lot of what he studied in his course at university. Looks like he has to go back to university and study his course all over again. But even if that didn’t happen to him, he might’ve had to do it anyway because of a few months all education went offline during the apocalypse of lies.
The president Gar McKin completely forgot of how he came about to be one, so he quit. We still don’t know if he would’ve made a good president now that he wasn’t tempted to lie anymore. However someone better took his place anyway. It was Sam Thompson – the former right-hand man of the president.
For the most part, the three of us were safe now. The memory trick also worked on police who had forgotten about us and so we weren’t being chased anymore. We had a chance to start life once again. I lived with Christina and Pete. After having found a new job in a different lab complex, I could bring some good money into the house and hopefully they’d be able to afford to buy more expensive stuff now than they could before. I was happy I could help them out. Christina and I discussed of possibly having a future together. She seemed very eager about it. I said that we should wait until the world gets back in shape and from then on we’ll see what happens. I really cared for her, but I had this strange feeling at the back of my head that told me not to rush into it because my job will take up a lot of my time and so could get in the way of a relationship. I don’t know where that strong feeling came from, but it was definitely trying to protect me from disappointment in the future.
Overall the life in the city was still in a dip. It took us time to restart everything and to reconnect back with the rest of the world. Although it was still difficult, we were rising back up slowly but surely. The future is full of excitement. We just need to get past these dark times first. Defeating the apocalypse of lies was only the first step. Restarting life is the next one. It’s the same thing as battling a disease. You kill the infection first, but afterwards the body still needs to repair the damage that’s been done to it.


Dr Vincent Tyler

The end

© Matthew Ashworth, 2008-2009