Black Roses

The Black Rose

In her dream: I was walking in a forest calling out everybody’s name I could think of but no one was out there I fell to the ground curled in the fetal position crying. I looked up and standing in front of me was my mum I jumped up to hug but when I tried to hug her she disappeared. I stood there about to cry and behind me Jake grabbed me I turned around and barred my head into his chest then he disappeared too. I sat down and started to cry I looked up and I realized no one was going to come back, then my alarm clock woke me up.

I opened my eyes and it felt like I was crying in my sleep then I remembered my dream and I knew why. I got up and brushed my hair and teeth and then put on my nevershoutnever t-shirt on, pants and socks. I went downstairs and that’s when I remembered that I wasn’t suppose to go to school but I decided to go anyways. I grabbed my backpack and my skate board and headed off to school. I got there just in time, I put my skateboard in my locker along with my bag grabbed my books and headed off to science. I sat down in the back and when I looked to my side I say Bella to the side of me.

“Alex what are you doing here I thought you weren’t suppose to be at school until next week that’s what Jake.

“Oh well I decided to come today…I feel fine to so what’s the big deal if I am here.

“Oh I don’t know but at least your ok, I mean Eric was pretty stupid not to see you there and everything, and I hope your ready cause we have a test today.”

“Oh I am ready.”

Mr. Brownson came in and started to hand out the test. He came past me and put the test on my lab table and I looked at it and the answer jumped out at me. Sense science was one of my best subjects I just circled all the right answer. Class was over and I went back to my locker and I was hopping Jake wasn’t standing by my locker cause well I wasn’t suppose to be here and when I turned the corner there standing at my locker was Jake, the first thing that went through my mind was “Oh great he is going to get mad at me cause I rode skate board here and ugh.

“What are you doing here?” he said so unhappily.
“I woke up remembered that I wasn’t suppose to come but then I thought I was doing better and then I decided to come.” I said hopping to convince him.
I was just about to open my lock when Jake said “And you rode your skateboard to school what were you thinking.”
I just opened my locker when he was done saying that.

“How did you know I didn’t even have my locker open and you knew…how?” I was so confused he knew stuff why before I told him it was kind of scaring me.

“Ummm… lucky guess.”

I was looking in my locker and said “I don’t believe that…” when I looked up he wasn’t there I looked at the floor and there was a black rose laying where he was standing.