Black Roses

Getting To Know Jake

Lunch was finally over, I was heading to civics and when all of a sudden I got stopped. When I looked up it was Jake.
“Where is the civics class?” I could see he was curious.
“Um, I am heading there you can just follow me.” I said stumbling over my words.

He followed me to class and when I took my set, he sat right next to me. I looked up and he was staring at me, I quickly looked away, right before I could say something Mrs. Tangidahl came in and started class.

When she introduced Jake every girl in the class started to freak out over him it was disgusting. She didn’t have a book for him so I had to share mine with him. I noticed that he really wasn’t paying attention to what we were talking about but because he was staring at me, I started to get scared.
“Why are you staring at me?”
“I’m sorry does it bug you?”
“Yea it is.” I said annoyed “What is something wrong with me?”
“Um, No it’s just your…I don’t know….different than all the girls.”
“Oh thank.” I was pissed off now.
“No I mean different in a good way.” He said flashing me his amazing smile.

I was frozen, I want to say something but it was stuck in my throat. I quickly looked away.
“What do you mean in a different way then?”
“You’re not like all the other girls.”
“Oh well…” before I could finish the bell rung and I left the room quickly.
Jake stopped me in the hall and asked me what I was going to say.
“Ok is that good or bad?”
“Well I thought you would act like all of them.” he said surprised. “I guess I was wrong.”
I asked him what his next class was, it was gym. We walked to gym together and all the girls were staring. I really didn’t care what they were saying, but I wanted to know. I got dressed and headed back up stairs. When I got up there Jake was waiting for me. The teacher let me sit out of gym today so I didn’t get hurt.

School was finally over and I started to walk home then I got stopped, it was Eric.
“Hey Alexia wait up”
“Hey Eric, What do you need?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to do chemistry homework together.”
“Yea sure.” And so we started off to my house.
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