Black Roses


I really did not know what to say because Taylor has been my friend sense kindergarten and well I think it would be kind of be awkward if I did date him I would probably be hurt if we weren’t friends ever again…so I knew what I had to say.

“Taylor I am shocked but I have to say no.” I felt bad but I did not want to risk our friendship.

I look at his eyes and I saw he was hurt I did not know what to do. He grabbed his bag and left. I sat on my bed wanting to cry so bad but I knew I was doing the right thing… I got up and went over to my labtop and logged on to msn I saw Jake added me so I started to talk to him.

Jake- Hey Alex what are you doing…I heard that Taylor asked you out…

Alexia- Hey and how do you know he just left…

J- Oh well… so what are you doing tomorrow?

A- Nothing and you didn’t answer my question…

J- want to walk to school and I heard things…well I have to go bye…see you tomorrow at 7:30…

I logged off and went downstairs no one was home yet and usually my mum is here. The phone started to ring and when I answered it, it was the police… and that’s when I froze.
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sorry the chapters are so short but i will make them longer when i have the time... thanx for reading