Black Roses

The Accident

I started to pace back and forth, forth and back and I never do that unless something is bad. I stopped when the police officer started to talk.

“Is this Alexia Lovegood?”

“Y-yy-es it is.” I said stumbling over my words cause I am so scared.

“I am sorry to tell you but at 2:37 p.m. your mother Lidia has been in a terrible car accident.” He said it so confident and use to saying it.

“Noooo nooo nooo… Is she ok?” I asked just about to cry.

“I am sorry…… but by the time we got there she was gone.

I was silent for so long that I hung up and fell to the floor crying. About an hour later the phone rang, I was still crying when I answered it and when I heard the voice it was Jake.

“Alexia are you crying?” he asked to caringly.

“Yeah, my mom got into a terrible car accident.”

“Well is she going to be ok?”

When I didn’t answer he knew right away she wasn’t ok.

“Oh, do you want me to come over and cheer you up and do you not want any company?”

“No I would love some company right now thanks.”

“Ok I will be there soon, bye.”

I hung up the phone and waited about 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door I ran over to open the door. Jake grabbed me and held me until I stopped crying. My dad called and asked how I was doing, I told him about mum, he didn’t care, and I ended up hanging up on him. Jake left after a few hours and I went for a walk. I was thinking about all things mum and I did together and about all those fights we had that I regret now that she’s gone. I really wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and I didn’t know I was walking on the street. Someone was honking and I didn’t hear and then everything black.
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