Black Roses

The Truth

He sat there and I like I said that’s when it happened he leaned in and kissed me. I was so shocked I felt like I was going to pass out because I couldn’t breathe. There was a knock at the door and I quickly pulled away and yelled come in.

It was Eric and I was so happy to see him.

“Hey Alexia how are you?”

“I am doing good you?”

“Fine but I need to talk to you alone.” He said scared.

Jake got up and walked out the room and Eric sat down beside me.

“You know when you got hit by that car…umm that was me I didn’t see you walking on the street I am really sorry, really sorry.

I really didn’t know what to say because 1) I was sooo mad I wanted to yell at him, and 2) I wanted to be nice and say nothing mean.

“Are you serious you were the one that hit me I was in plain sight how could you not see me!”I said yelling.

“I am sorry but I wasn’t watching the road and I don’t know what I was doing I am soooooo sorry.”

“I don’t care how many times you say sorry I will never forgive you do you understand.”

He looked at me so hurt but I did what I had to do and he got up and walked out. I told my friends that I wanted to be alone for awhile and so they left.
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Thanx for commets