Midnight Runner

Chapter 18: Bonfire.

The night started to sneak it’s way into the day with the moon and stars on its way. Luckily when we walked into the house they weren’t in the kitchen or the hallway. “Jake you can put me down.” I smiled looking at him. “ Yah I better.” He smiled back at me setting me down on the wooden floor as I fixed my white spring dress. “So when are we going to talk about that?” I looked up at him as I grabbed his hand. “ Sometime tomorrow.” Jacob grabbed my hand walking into the next room. “So that means never right?” I whispered as we came into sight with Uncle Mark, Harry, Billy, Charlie, Sam, Paul, Quil, Leah, Emily, Embry, Seth, and Jared. “Pretty much.” He smiled nudging me as I frowned slightly.

They all beamed from ear to ear as their eyes gazed upon us. “Yah, yah don’t say anything.” Jacob sighed waving his hand back and forth. Smiling I sat in between Leah and Paul the two hot heads of this house. “We have the food, we have the people, and we have the beach now let’s get to walking.” Harry glowed with excitement as he stood up stretching his old wrinkly saggy arms as we all chuckled in unison watching a grown man freak out like a little kid.

All the guys grabbed the food, plates, cups, table, and silverware from the back of our car and from Harry’s kitchen. It was like we were on the buddy system cause we each paired up with someone and walked to La Push beach. I walked side by side with Jacob holding his large hulk like hand as he carried the table in the other arm. Six months ago I would have never figured that Jacob and me would be holding hands like this, but sadly I wanted to do more but he didn’t and hurt just to know that he didn’t.

Arriving at the beach we set up all the stuff and Sam and Quil threw the wood down setting it up like a teepee. Life was great I had everything I ever wanted and I didn’t want to change anything for this. We all sat around in a big circle laughing, sharing memories and stories. Emily stood up by my side. “Lets go swimming.” She smiled grabbing my hand to pull me off of the rock. “Sounds good.” Smiling I walked over to the end of the beach where the cool crisp water hit our feet. Emily looked by still with her grin on her face. “Jacob is watching you, he needs you like crazy.” Emily giggled as I turned a little red around the cheeks. “Don’t blush, it’s true.” She took off her shirt and skirt reveling a blue bikini. “It doesn’t seem like it.” Sighing and smiling at the same time I took off my shirt and shorts revealing a white polka dotted bikini. “Cute where did you get it?” Emily said walking into the water as I followed. “Back in Chicago.” I stepped and the water instantly rushed in between my toes and around my foot sending a cool feeling up my spine. “It’s a little cold.” I took another step. “Not really it feels good.” Emily looked back at me as she waist deep in the water. Smiling I walked faster and deeper in the water and stood be Emily, noticing I was shorter than her cause it came up to my mid stomach.

“Lets dive in.” Emily spoke facing her back to the others on the beach. “I can’t swim really good like you.” Turning to her a little worried now. “It’s fine we will hold hands, I can help you and I won’t let you drown.” She laughed slightly reaching her hand out to mine. “You know if you don’t grab my hand Jacob will come out here and ruin our fun.” She said stretching it out more. I didn’t want that to happen I wanted to show Jacob that I could do just fine with out him helping all the time. “True.” I grabbed her hand tightly hopping I wasn’t hurting hers. We took deep and long breaths getting ready to dive. “Ready?” Emily turned her head to me gripping on to my hand. “Yah.” I replied back as we took one more long breath, held it and dove.
Jacob stood up from the rock. “Jacob no they’re having fun.” Sam said putting his hand on his shoulder and pushing him back down. “She can’t swim well.” He let out a low growl. “But Emily can, don’t worry.” Sam smiled trying to not let Jacob ruin his day. “Really son just let young girls be young girls.” Billy put his input in cause he knew it would calm him. “Yah, I know I need to work on that.” Jake sighed turning away to the water, as he knew that he needed to work on that but he was also too afraid to lose Paige again so it was hard.

I opened my eyes under the water to see Emily still by my side. The water felt so good and it looked so amazing just to see the fish swim pass us and see beyond in the clear water. We kicked the same speed through the water as I closed my eyes just feel everything around me. Emily touched my shoulder with her other hand pointing up as I nodded. We dove to the top gasping for air and still holding each other’s hands. I flipped my hair out my of my eyes and looked back at the beach to see we swam farther than we thought we did. I realized that neither Jacob nor Sam was there anymore. “Emily, where did Jacob and Sam.” I stopped as I felt something grabbed my legs and pop out of the water. In unison Emily and me screamed as we realized it was the very guys who were missing. “Not funny!” Gasping I grabbed on to Jake’s arms trying to breathe.

After playing in the cold water we swam back up to the beach and sat back down for the bonfire. Emily and I didn’t have to use towels cause we had Jacob and Sam who warmed and dried us off instantly. Having my clothes back on and laying against Jacob hearing the stories that Harry was telling. “Can I tell you guys something?” Charlie said sighing after Harry finished. “Sure, what is it pal?” Billy put his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “It’s Bella, she hasn’t been home and she’s always with that boyfriend of hers, and the last time I saw her was a month ago but hell I didn’t even see her she called.” Charlie finished putting his head in his hands. “Oh buddy I’m sorry.” Uncle Mark put his hand on his other shoulder.

I felt so bad for Charlie, he needed his daughter and he couldn’t even see her because she was being selfish. It went silent and I went into thinking trying to find away to change things on the relationship between Charlie and Bella. But nothing, even if Jacob did something Bella wouldn’t listen because she was with Edward and she thinks there is no other way to live. I thought that two once but then Jacob changed it. “That’s it!” I jumped up having an idea. “Sorry.” I grabbed Jacob pulling him up and over far away from the others. “Jake I can talk to Bella.” I looked at him. “No, too risky.” Jacob replied. “Jake why not, she hasn’t had a girl like her talk to her before, right!?” I raised my voice this was making me mad. “I don’t care she’s with a bunch of bloodsuckers it’s too dangerous.” He didn’t raise his voice but he turned to me looking sternly in my eyes.

“I’m going to do it.” I lowered my voice. “No.” He answered again without me even asking a question. “Yes, Jake.” I started to raise my voice once again. “No is no Paige.” He kept looking at me. “Your acting like my father!” I raised my voice again. Jacob let out a breath and I could tell he was getting frustrated and I was two. “I’m not trying to be.” He lowered his voice even more. “Well you are.” Lowering my voice back down to a whisper to match his. We didn’t speak for two minutes; I was waiting for his reply. “I’ll try not to be, it’s just.” He stopped leaning in putting his forehead on mine. “I don’t want to lose you.” He finished. “You won’t but I know I will be able to talk to Bella if they let me try.” I said as he kissed me. “Fine but I’m going.” He finished gasping as we walked back to the bonfire.