Midnight Runner

Chapter 19: Bella. Where have you gone?

I sat at the table slowly eating my cereal trying to think of a way to approach Bella about Charlie. Uncle Mark had already left for work long before I woke up. I sighed putting my spoon back in the full bowl of cereal as I could tell I wasn’t hungry nor could I not think about a poor father wanting to be in his daughter’s life and she doesn’t even care. It hurt me just to imagine that but it hurt Charlie even more, cause his ex wife did something similar to him before. It’s so funny how I would know all this stuff but with a wolf as a boyfriend who used to like Bella the meal for her husband Edward you would know things.

I poured the milk in the sink and threw the soggy cereal in the garbage can as I washed out the bowl setting it on he black drying rack to dry. Sighing I wiped my hands on the side of my pajama pants not caring. “DING DONG!” The doorbell went off. “Coming!” I yelled running my fingers through my hair opening the door to a person that I had disliked very much before.

“Bella?” I asked as she walked inside. “You wanted to talk to me?” Her voice was unpleasant and very different it seemed like she was a brand new person. “Uh yah come sit down at the table.” I smiled showing her the table. “No, I’m fine.” She crossed her arms. Was it just me or was she a total different person. Sighing I took a deep breath trying not to waste too much time. “How are you Bella? I rarely talk to you.” I kept an honest face but tried to smile. “Don’t try to act like a therapist! If this is what you wanted to bring me here I’m leaving.” Bella raised her voice but wasn’t in the yelling tone yet. She stomped to the door as I blocked it. “No it isn’t now step back.” I looked at her my smile faded away as she looked at me with her sick eyes.

She took a step back. “What happened to you?” I asked shaking my head. “You’ve changed.” I said again before she could even answer the question. Bella rolled her eyes crossing her arms. “Charlie can’t even talk to you!” I raised my voice getting irritated. “Charlie?” She said with a questioning voice. “Yes Charlie! Did you forget him along with the other people who actually care for you!!” I yelled. I didn’t want to but she made me sick, she made me disgusted. Bella just looked at me. With nothing to say because she knew it was all true. “Bella you disgust me!” I yelled at her I told her what I wanted to say. “Me, I disgust you? At least my mother didn’t go into a depression leaving her daughter alone!!” Bella yelled back. She opened an old flesh wound that I wish she didn’t. I looked away trying to wash away the words she spoke. “And at least I have someone I can live and love forever but Jacob is just with you because he couldn’t have me! He takes pity on you.” She started out yelling but at the last words she back to her regular voice. She smiled as she kept her arms crossed.

“Even if that is true.” I paused trying not believe her. “At least I don’t have to turn into a bloodsucking leach just to be with the one I love.” I looked at her with a more serious look I have ever looked. Her gazed darkened as she took a step to the door but turned to me instead. She raised her hand, slapping me across the face extremely hard. I did not flinch or dodge, I was better than that. She looked at me one last time before she flew open the door. I put my hand on the part she hit feeling a tingling burning feeling. “Ow.” I whispered shutting the door.

Walking into the bathroom I looked into the mirror where I saw a huge bright red mark on the left side of my cheek. “Ugh!” I groaned looking at it. My gaze tightened as I saw it turn a little purple, I studied it for a long time while I put a bag of ice on it too. I shut off the light and walked back to the front door, opening it and sitting down on the sidewalk. “What to do, what to do?” I looked around the place not talking about today but talking about Bella. “That’s it.” I got up throwing the ice pack down and jumping into my car. I felt my cheek one last time before I reversed the car out of the driveway and drove it down the street.

My mind was focused on one thing and one thing and one thing only. I had to snap Bella out of this and that meant anyway I could find to do it I would. I remembered Jacob showing me where the Cullens lived before because he wanted to make sure for me to stay away from that house at all costs. “I’m sorry Jacob, I know I promised.” I sighed as I said those words slowing down to an upcoming house that stood in the middle of a forest. Taking a deep breath, I turned the engine off and sat in the car one last time before I flung the door open.

I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell waiting for one of them answer. Opening the door a girl with brown pixie like hair around 4ft 11inchs stood in front of me. “Yes.” She asked with her small pixie like voice. “Can I talk to Bella?” I looked at her stern but tried to smile. “Sure, hang on.” She smiled on last time before closing the door and calling her name. I looked around the front part of the house examining everything as I waited for that door to open. I was here for Bella and I knew what I was going to do and I wasn’t afraid to do it cause I wasn’t afraid of her little vampire friends. I herd the doorknob turn and spun my head back to the door waiting for the very face I saw earlier.

Bella came into my sight with Edward back by the wall trying not to be so close. “What?” She said to me with the same unpleasant voice from before. Taking a deep breath I slapped my hand a crossed her face glaring at her. “I don’t know who you are neither does anyone else!” I yelled watching Edward from behind who got held back by the pixie girl. “And I don’t know why you changed.” I lowered my voice steadily turning and walking off the steps. I turned my head back as she still looked at me. “Where did you go Bella?” I asked one last time before stomping my way to the car.

Some people change for the better. Some people change for the worse. And some people change because it’s the only way to be with their love.