Midnight Runner

Chapter 20: You’re a heartbreaker.

It takes some people a matter of seconds to figure out where they want to be in life. It takes others centuries to figure out that where they wanted to be is the place they are now is the place they have always wanted to be.

I stomped to the car opening the door and slamming the door. “UGH!” I yelled releasing all the anger I had inside from the slap to the car. Turning on the engine I didn’t see any of them come running at me so that was good. I backed out of the driveway as fast as I could and sped down the road not knowing where I was going next. I sped up on the road not really paying attention to anything my anger was taking control. “Who does she think she is acting all high and mighty!?” I yelled to myself hitting my hands against the steering wheel over and over again until they felt like they were bruising.

I looked up to the road seeing Jake stand in the middle of it with his arms crossed not moving. I looked down to my speed and watched it as it rose to 70. “Crap!” I screamed slamming my foot onto the break pedal sending my body forward and the seatbelt into my shoulder. The car stopped as I looked over to where Jake stood and saw that he wasn’t standing there anymore. “Jake!” Yelling I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt but it wouldn’t budge. Arms wrapped undermine picking me carefully out of the car window.

He turned me around hugging me for a couple minutes before he pulled away to press his fingers against my left cheek. “Ow.” I yelped trying to hide the pain, but Jake knew he always knew. “What happened Paige?” He looked at me eagerly as he had his hands underneath my chin. “Nothing.” I lied looking away. “Paige.” He said again turning my gaze back towards him. “It was one of those damn bloodsuckers that hit you, huh?” Jacob raised his voice in anger. “No, it was Bella.” I sighed looking away again not wanting to see the expression he gave now. “Bella?” He questioned. “Are you sure, it was Bella?” Jacob had the guts to ask me if it was Bella. I turned towards him. “Yes Jacob.” I turned back away before I said his name. I knew it Bella was right Jacob really didn’t love me he was using me just so I wouldn’t complain anymore and so he could forget about her.

“I knew it.” I whispered trying not to let the tears fall. “You knew what?” His eyes lingered from me to the direction I came from. I pulled from his grip and from his reach. “Paige?” Jacob asked me quietly. “Don’t say my name.” I didn’t yell…yet. “You used me.” I started wiping the oncoming tears. “What?” He asked again. “Don’t play dumb!” I yelled as I kept wiping the tears. “You used me just so you could try to forget Bella, the girl you still love!!” I yelled pulling away even more. “You never loved me.” I lowered my voice back down crying even more. “It was all a lie.” I backed up even more. “I don’t want to talk to you again.” I wiped my tears turning away and running.

I didn’t know how far I was going to get on foot without hurting myself but I would try. Jake wouldn’t chase after me either because he knew everything I said about Bella was the truth. How could I have been so blind? It was a lie…everything, when he said he loved me, when he said he would never leave me and when he said he would never love anyone else. He said that but he never really meant it.

I looked at my watch that read 8:56 pm. I walked into the door as Uncle Mark came to my aid. “Are you alright? I’ve been worried sick about you.” He looked at me with concerned eyes. “I’m fine.” I tried to smile. “You’re mom and her doctor called and she is officially out of her depression and she says whenever you need or want to come back you can.” He grinned putting a hand on my shoulder. “Good, I’m going back tomorrow.” I smiled to him walking past. “I’ll call mom when I get into my pajamas.”

Sitting on my bed after I had taken a shower and put my pajamas on. I waited until I dialed her number and her voice popped up. “Paige?” She had a questioning voice. “Hi mom.” I said back with a pleasant voice. “Oh Paige did your uncle tell you I’m all better now?” She seamed excited. “Yah, and I was wondering could I move back tomorrow?” I asked trying to stray away the tears. “Sure, but I thought you loved it?” Her voice tone changed. “Mom, I never did.” I spoke those words slowly wiping away the tears that overflowed my eyes. “Alright, well I already arranged for a plane at 9:00 am tomorrow.” She continued. “Okay.” I said back. “Well I love you very much and I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said before she hung up.

I put the phone down by my nightstand as I curled up in my bed. “We were never meant to be.” I cried uncontrollably until I fell fast asleep. That’s right we were never meant to be. I was going to move back tomorrow and forget about him and start fresh all over again meaning I would have to forget everything that I have ever experienced here.