Midnight Runner

Chapter 21: Chicago.

Dear Diary,
It’s been some time since I have seen this place I call home.

It makes me sad that I’m leaving Washington behind but it makes me utterly happy that I am leaving it behind cause I need to start over fresh again. Just a couple months ago I remembered having a fatal heart disease that could have killed me in the near future. But that, the old me is gone I needed to change so I did.

I have normal friends who I hang out with on the weekends at the mall. I have a normal, fun filled, free, stress less life that I should have had before. That’s not it though. I do miss Washington, the people, uncle Mark, and of course Jacob. But that is all old news now it’s been two months since I have moved back home. I need to forget it all for once and for all.

Diary this may be the last time I right in you for a while.

Love, Paige

I closed my diary setting it under my bed the place where no one bothers to look. I sighed heavily as I skipped my way down the hall and the stairs where my mom stood making dinner in the kitchen. It was nice to have my old mother back it’s been such a long time since she’s smiled like she does now. “I’m cooking some of my famous Mediterranean Chicken.” She beamed from ear to ear. “You want to help?” She looked at me lifting up her hands hugging me trying not to get my shirt dirty. “Sure.” Grinning I grabbed a white apron that had grapes and strawberries on it.

“What do you want me to do?” I put my hands on my hips looking at the food. “Help me beat the chicken.” She stopped as we both realized how she said the sentence and we burst out laughing. “Good times, good times.” Mom gasped between her laughs. We finally started getting down to cooking. We laughed and joked around with each other remembering the times like this before Dad and Thomas died. “So mom who are you having other?” I nudged her winking. “A friend.” She blushed back looking away. “Oh right a “friend”.” I laughed putting finger quotations around the word friend. “Oh all right he is really cute I think you will like him.” As she finished her sentence the doorbell rang. “I’ll get that, mom go clean yourself.” I laughed as I skipped to the front door where I opened it to a rather tall guy with brown long straight hair pulled back in a pony tale looking like he was Italian.

“You must be the famous Paige I have herd all about.” He sparkled with excitement as he held out his hand waiting for me to shake it. “Yes and you must be the famous “friend” I have herd all about.” We chuckled in unison as once again I put quotations around friend. He sat down at the table as I walked passed mom. “You pick them good, he’s cute.” I laughed shaking my head walking to the fridge pulling out some red wine. “Well here you go.” I giggled grabbing my plate and heading for the living room. “Paige why don’t you sit with us.” My mom said with a pleading voice. “Nah my favorite show is on and I don’t want to miss it.” I giggled once more as I winked and walked into the living room sitting down.

Turning on the TV I realized that I really never watched it anymore or at all to begin with. “Hmmmm.” I sighed clicking the off button. I swung my legs up on the coffee table as I took a bit into the low calorie Mediterranean Chicken that mom was famous for. This little piece of chicken brought back so many memories from before it kind of hurt just thinking about it.

I finished my plate peeking my head over into the kitchen where I saw my mom flirting with the guy who she liked a lot. I decided to embarrass my mom like she used to do a lot. “Well hello there you two love birds.” I giggled watching the expression her face become even more nervous. “Do you think we look good as a couple?” The guy said with his Italian accent. “Oh yes, very much so.” I giggled once more before I waved my mom goodnight walking up into my room.

I slipped into my pajamas as I slowly crawled into my warm, blue comforter. “Nice.” I exhaled for air as I snuggled my head deep into my pillow. “Goodnight Dad, goodnight Thomas.” I smiled up out my window where I saw the two very brightest stars you could ever see.

I was in a white room or tunnel? All I could see was I and the white surrounding me. “Dad, Thomas?” I rubbed my eyes. “Dad?” I waited. “Thomas?” I asked again. No it wasn’t either of them. “Mom?” I questioned once more waiting for the voice again. “Paige!” I yelled for me. “Paige!” It yelled once more before I appeared on a beach. I was sitting in the sand pushing my toes deep in it so they could stay warm. Looking around the place looked very familiar. “La Push?” I questioned. “Paige glad you could make it.” I turned my head to the right where I saw an old friend. “Embry!” I squealed in happiness. “Glad you still remember.” He smiled once more before he sat down beside me. “This was the only way I could contact you.” He paused taking a deep and shaky breath. “What is it?” My concerning eyes broke through as it sent Embry into a worried look. “I need your help.”
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