Midnight Runner

Chapter 23: Face to face.

An intoxicating fume filled the plane as it landed slowly in Forks. I wasn’t a big fan of flying but it was a shorter and easier way to get to a place you wanted or needed to. I stepped off the plane looking down at the gloomy rainy day oh how I missed it. "Taxi!" I yelled getting the attention of the chief of the town Charlie. "Hey Paige, where you going?" He smiled at me rolling down the window. "I'm going to Jacob's." Smiling he ushered me in his cop car and drove me.

"How is your mom? I herd she's all better now." Charlie smiled. "She's great and yah she is, i wanted to come to Forks just to see some old friends." I smiled weakly knowing that, that was a lie. "So how is your relationship between you and Bella?" After i asked that question I knew in the pit of my stomach that i shoulden't have said that. "Just the same, or even worse." Charlie sighed keeping his eyes on the road. "It can't be that bad, can it?" I asked guilty again. "Yes, I'm afraid so my dear." He sighed once again making me even worse than I already had. "I'm sorry for bringing that up." I looked away as the rest of the ride to Jacob's was silent.

Charlie drove up in front of the very house I never wanted to see again. "Thanks Charlie." I smiled getting out of the car, shutting the door. "Nah it was my pleasure, if you ever need a ride call me and I will be there." He smiled along with mine as I nodded. When Charlie finally drove off Embry stepped out of the front door turning his frown into a grin. "Paige." He exhaled walking to me and hugging me. "Hey Embry." I chuckled trying to wrap my arms around his body but failed. "I'm really, really glad you came." Embry embraced me in another hug. "Yah your lucky cause I really don't want to Jake's face." I sighed that was somewhat true but then it wasn't. "Paige we both know that, that is a lie." He looked at me intensly seeing right through me but with Embry I did not mind.

"What do you need me to do?" I stopped playing around, I was concerned about Jake mainly if a girl messed him up before and was back for some more. "We just need you to help us get her away from Jake at all cost, or she will lure him in again just like before." Embry walked to the otherside of the road in a slow pace. "What did she actually do to him?" I questioned as Embry met my gaze. "After we had all joined the pack and Jake lost the love battle against the bloodsucker he decided to venture out on his own until he met the half vampire half wolf Alyssa." Embry paused trying to swallow. "He brought her back home to La Push where from the very start non of us liked her but Jake the thick headed person he is started to fall for her." He stopped, seeing what my expression was. "He thought she loved him two and she told him if he really loved her he would do anything for her. Meaning he would have to hunt for her, but it wasn't animals he would have to kill it was humans." Embry stopped once more noticing my expression was pained.

"You know where it goes from there." Embry didn't want to continue cause he could tell that it hurt just knowing what Jacob had to deal with. "That's it." I started stomping my way to Jacob's house. "No, no Paige wait until I tell you to, to talk to her. Okay?" Embry held me back. "Yah fine." I fixed my clothes as I continued a normal walk into Jacob's house. "Guess who is here?" Embry said trying to lighten up his voice. "No way it's the ghost from Christmas past." Paul said getting up and giving me a hug. "No I think I look better than that ghost." I chuckled trying to lighten up the mood even more. I was hugged by everyone there minus Jacob and the chick Alyssa. Embry and Paul walked me into the living room where I saw for the first time in two months Jake. He looked more fit, a little taller and a little cuter. "Alyssa this is Paige, Paige this is Alyssa." Embry shuddered the thought as he sat down on the couch next to Jake who stared at me intensly.

"So this is the famous Paige?" Alyssa walked up to me hugging me gently. "I've herd so much about you because of these guys all they do is talk and talk about you." She laughed trying to make a good first impression but her dark dead heart shun that. "Oh really, that makes me blush." But I decided to play along with her. The time I spent in the house went rather slow and it killed me. "So now that we aren't strangers anymore. Paige would you like to go on a walk with me?" She smiled kindly, she did that all day. "Sure why not I think we need to get away from all the guys." I kept playing along with her little game until it was time. "Alright, we will be back later." Alyssa giggled and kissed Jacob on the lips. She should have just stabbed me right then and there. We locked arms smiling walking out the door and down the street until we were far enough.

We instantly pulled away from eachother when Jake's house disapeared from our sight. "Your revolting." Alyssa said wiping her cloths from my scent. "And you're not?" I laughed as I glared at her. "You can't have my Jakey bear." She crossed her arms raising her head up. "Your Jakey bear? Are you serious? Are you a kid or a bitch?" I laughed back wondering what was going up in that head of hers. "Bitch! I'll show you bitch, you slut!" She yelled, took a stance and kicked me right in the stomach sending me back into the La Push woods. Pain surged throughout my whole body telling me I was hurt pretty bad but I had no broken bones so I was going to get up. I sat up as she put her leg on mine. "Give up while you still have a chance." She smirked. "Oh so you can have the pleasure to say you won." I laughed shoving her leg off of me and standing. "Your just a weak little human you can't beat me nor put up a good fight." She laughed. "None of the matters when I'm fighting for the person I love." I paused.

I rubbed my face and streatched my arms noticing that the whole pack including Jake was watching and that they were holding him back telling him it was our fight. "So what are you going to do? Fight me and then when I beat the shit out of you Jacob will come running?" She held back her laughter. "No. I'm going to fight you, I will lose but I don't want him to come over because in the end I will have to hurt him anyways." I looked at her rubbing my head feeling dizzy. "Yah sure whatever lets get this over with." She smirked as she ran at me. For a bloodsucking wolf she was sure annoying. I blocked her skidding back a couple yards as I was able to put a punch in on her left side of her cheek. "Bitch!" She let out a battle cry charging at me as I ducked quickly when I rolled behind her I kicked her in the butt sending her to ground.

For a couple seconds she was on the ground. I really didn't want to fight because I knew I was going to die if I did so I stayed in the same postion watching her as she got back up and walked closer cracking her knuckles laughing evily. That was it my life was ending and it would be right in front of my friends and my love. I shut my eyes tightly trying not to breath as I strangly wanted to hear every thing. "Stop." I re-opened my eyes back open to see who the very person who saved me was. "Jared?" I sighed shaking my head from side to side glancing back over to where Jacob no longer stood. "Figures, it's just like him to leave someone behind." I murmured under my breath as I dusted myself off from the ground. "Hey." Jared said walking over. "About Jacob." I stopped Jared before he could say anymore. "I really don't want to talk about Jacob." I waved my hand in front of his face trying to shoo him away. "Oh so your going to put your feelings in front of his?" He yanked my arm slinging my head back in his direction. "What do you mean by that?" I didn't raise my voice but I was on the verge. " Paige Joy Wilkins! You know what I mean now go talk to him!" Jared was angry, he said my full name as he pushed me in the direction to the beach.

I slowly made my way up to the top of the hill of the beach where I saw Jake sitting. "Damn, I don't want to do this." I murmured as my feet continued to walk on. I gently sat down somewhat close him as Jake looked at me. "Well I'm glad you don't have any battle scars." He laughed running his fingers through his hair. "Paige why did you leave me?" Jacob asked with a serious question. "You know very well or do you not remember that day down by the Cullens house?" I crossed my arms looking off in the distance. "Don't be silly, of coarse I remeber it broke my heart watching you leave that day." I could tell Jacob was looking dead on straight at me. "I wouldn't have gone all the way back to Chicago if you had chased after me." I shook my head starring back at him. "You waited for me to chase you?" His eyes poured out pain. "Yes. After I turned the bend I stopped and waited but you didn't come so I did figure I was right." I tried to look away without crying. Jacob put one of his soft, warm gigantic hands on my cheek turning my head back towards him. "You were right I loved Bella but I found someone who was more important." He smiled the smile that melted everything away.

Jacob and I had gotten in so many arguments but I do suppose that was 99% of my fault. The moment was perfect the orange dream cicle like sun that was setting off in the distance that reflected off of the green emeraled water. "I'm so sorry Jake all of the arguments that we have I create and it's all about stupid stuff." I looked into his golden brown eyes. "Nah it's also somewhat my fault two." He laughed pulling my face closer to his. "I love you Paige Wilkins." He pulled my face once again closer to his. "And I love you Jacob Black." I smiled one last time before our lips met.

Life is a maze. Love is a riddle. Life and Love are intertwined with each other creating a difficult balance of harmony and melody. But even in the midst of everything harmony is supposed to spend the rest of it's life and after life with melody.
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