Midnight Runner

Chapter 4: Wolf with yellowish grey eyes.

It let out a low monstrous growl that echoed throughout the hallways of the dead hospital. As a reaction I threw my hands up shaking in terror and I secured my eyes shut as sounds began to reverberate right through my ears. As the sounds settled down I opened my eyes and now saw kinder eyes, they were a yellowish grey that could tell you a thousand stories just by looking at it. Not paying attention to my heartbeat I had fainted on to the cold, tiled floor below me.

Déjà vu? A dream? No. I don’t remember a hospital room or my room having a dark blue color to it. That was because I wasn’t in a hospital I was in a room very familiar to me just like a face that appeared and my worried looked turned into a smile. “Embry!” I shouted in excitement he was a friend that I went to talk to about Jacob. “Hey person, long time no see or talk.” Embry smiled gently and kindly near me as he helped me to sit up from his hard, springy bed. “Wait why am I in your bed?” I looked at him with spacious eyes that wondered around the room where I saw Jacob sleeping on the floor. “And why is Jacob on the floor?” I asked as I took my legs out of the bed covers. “Well number one.” He had paused it was like he was trying to make up something. “Number two Jake got so tired from watching over you he finally passed out around 5:00 in the morning.” Embry laughed as he rubbed his long silky black hair. “Oh uh ok.”

I shook my head as I wobbled out of bed and apparently I had woken him up. “Where are you going?” They both said rushing to my side. “I’m going home I’m drained and you guys are acting like I’m pregnant.” I looked at them with eyes that they hadn’t seen before. “Do I look prego to you!?” I yelled but didn’t mean it in a harsh tone. “No.” They said in unison as they looked at each other and shuddered their heads back and forth. “Well then let go of me.” Both Embry and Jacob again in unison let go of me. “Well I’m taking you home weather you like it or not.” Jacob said walking past me with his long stride. “Yah, yah whatever I just want to get home cause Embry I’m telling you, your bed can kill somebody.” I smiled towards him as he shook his head and waved in a quick motion.

We got in Jacob’s banged up rabbit that he had hand fixed himself. The rabbit was just as fast as any new car out there even though it didn’t look like one. “Jacob what happened last night?” I said as I turned to him to see his face change rapidly. “What do you mean last night?” He replied with wide-open eyes. “Jacob I was in the hospital last night and there was something with red eyes that stared at me!” I didn’t know why I was getting so frustrated but I was. “No, Paige you were at my house your uncle said it would be better if you stayed at our house.” Jacob said smiling to me with a lying face. “No, Jake I was at the hospital I remember the screams as if they were happening right now!!”

I looked at him and for once in my life I was disgusted with him. “You know what, never mind, I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Dark grey clouds rolled in and rain poured down like Niagara Falls it’s as if the earth knew on how I was feeling. Pulling up to Uncle Mark’s driveway I had to get out of the car cause it was fumigated with bad karma. “Hey Paige.” He yelled before I shut the door…I didn’t look at him or reply to him instead I shut the door and walked inside. I knew what I was talking about and I knew what I saw.

Typing on my black brand new Mac laptop I had started a story on pain that I never wanted to express towards people so I put it in a story about how a girl who could never go out into the sunlight because of her skin disease that would cause it to burn. “Ugh.” I scowled at my computer and about Jacob why did he have to go and act like that? Closing my laptop I tossed myself onto my bed, turning my head to the window the led out to a small white balcony with the sun over looking it.

It was no longer light in my room; it was dark that had meant it was night. “What?” I woke up rubbing my head when I shook off my shoes and socks. Walking to the middle of the hallway I stopped to try to hear anyone downstairs I soon stopped at the foot of Uncle Mark’s door when I herd his soft yet strange snoring. I shivered away the thoughts of how time went from 12:00 in the afternoon to 1:00 in the morning. I strolled around downstairs noticing I might make to much noise to scare Mark out of a cold dead sleep so being in the childhood room I grew up in would be better unless you found out that you made more noise in there then downstairs. “Balcony.” I whispered slipping on my Eskimo-like slippers sitting down onto the tiny white balcony that overlooked two blocks of houses, including Bella’s.

I repeated her name over and over until it got pointless to say. The glimmering moon sparkled down on the earth below and the miniature pond glistened back it seemed as if they were talking. I sat back against the building looking all around until I saw something that had the same yellowish grey eyes and it just sat there no movement happened upon it’s body, it was just like back at the hospital. Now I remembered whom it resembled…now I knew but it didn’t just resembled it was he. “Jacob Black.” I said unknowing that he heard me. “Stay there!” I ran down the hallway, down the stairs, unlocking the door, out into where he was standing in a wolf form. “Jacob.” I fell to my knees hugging his puppy-like fur at the moment he put both of his huge paws on either sides of my shoulders as if he was giving me a hug back.

Why didn’t you tell me? I had asked the huge wolf that stood in front of me.