Midnight Runner

Chapter 9: Holding My Breath.

Walking the streets of Italy even in the daytime was a tiny bit scary but exciting at the same time. “Excuse me.” An old lady jumped right out in front of me and it wasn’t that sweet old lady that you saw in the movies no, it was more like the old lady from Snow White. “Would you like to buy this wonderful necklace?” She ushered a necklace to my face. “Um, no thank you.” I walked passed her, walking faster than I usually did.

“Scary people.” I murmured while catching my breath. I hadn’t had any “visions” since I was back in the mansion but I had to find Jacob the guy I knew I had fell for before I had lost my memory. I passed a mirror noticing that I still had the same eye color from before. “Ugh, I’m a freak.” I sighed again as I put on my hood on trying to cover up most of my face.

I was roaming almost blind through the city of Italy with no sense or feeling on where I was going. “Oh, sorry!” I had ran into someone so muscular that I bounced to the ground. He laughed at me while helping me up. “Why do you have your hood like that?” He questioned me and I told him the thought that came to my mind first. “I’m allergic to the sun.” I chuckled awkwardly trying to rub my head. “Allergic to the sun?” He repeated back.

He flipped my hood back. “Your still the same Paige.” He sighed shaking his head looking down at me. “Jacob?” I questioned myself cause I wasn’t sure if I was right. “You remembered my name!” He folded his arms around me picking me up pushing me into a tight hug. “So I got your name right.” I gasped while trying to laugh but he was hugging me to tight to try. “You’re going to hug her to death.” I looked over my shoulder noticing someone also familiar as I tried to guess his name. “Embry?” I said with a worried look. “Yup, hey kid your remembering well.” He smiled coming towards me, while kneading my head.

“Thank you much.” I said shaking my head while smiling. I seemed content when I was with them, it was a totally different atmosphere compared with them to Claius and the others. “We better get back to La Push, now.” Sam the leader of the pack walked up behind Embry as Jacob set me down on ground still having a tight hold of my waist. “Right.” Jacob said lifting me up using the arm around that was still around me. “We’re going to have to run like we did coming down here.” Paul said walking up to the other side of me, leaning over smiling. “Hey honey bun.” He smirked knowing that it would piss Jacob off. “You say that again, Paul and I will slit your throat.” Jacob said glaring at him. “Woh, a little mean aren’t we?” I said looking up to Jacob as he ran his fingers through his spiky, black hair.

We had walked through town for a while trying to find a safe place for them to change so we could run home. It must have been weird being a normal Italian person seeing a bunch of tall, tan guys with a girl with a black cloak on and deep red eyes. “I’m exhausted!” I wined as I was still held up by Jacob’s arm. “How can you be tired?!” Jacob wined back grinning from ear to ear. “I just am!” I struggled trying to get loose from his grip. “I should be the one tired, so stop winning.” He kept smiling as we walked on.

Reaching a road where it split off from a set of woods to another town we took the woods part. “Am I still a freak?” I wined again while trying to sigh. “What do you mean by a freak?” Jacob looked down at me then back ahead to the others who were ahead of us, trying to give us our space. “You know with my freaky deep red eyes.” I wined again while almost poking my eyes out trying to show him what I meant. “Nah, your not a freak maybe a little creepy but not a freak.” Jacob laughed at me shaking his head showing me that he was just joking. “Thanks Jake that totally helped.” I sighed crossing my arms.

“I’m glad to have the old you back.” He sighed as I could tell his mood totally changed. “Just seeing you at the place and knowing that you didn’t remember me, hurt.” He sighed again looking away from me. “Aww, Jake don’t get soft on me.” I smiled trying to lean over to see his face. “I missed you too.” I said a couple minutes later after forcing myself to spit those words out. An awkward silence just between the two of us.

I had remembered everything from before; everything and that had almost brought tears to my eyes.