As Shadows Play

Alone... horribly horribly alone

I walked the streets in silence, accompanied by no one and nothing. My anger seethed through my veins in a way that made me wonder if I had a storm cloud above my head and smoke coming out my ears. As I stepped into the ray of a streetlight I tensed up. I wheeled around accusingly- knowing I would find nothing… as usual. I am alone. Completely and totally. Not even a shadow to accompany me. Well, it’s not like I’m not used to it. I haven’t had a shadow in centuries. I sulked down the street to the corner when a figure jumped from the dark.

“Hello Bilvy baby,” the voice teased, waltzing up to me in the egotistical way he always has.

“Fuck off Wentz,” I growled through gritted teeth.

“Aww, but why?” another identical voice whined, walking up next to Pete.

“Take your goddamn other with you!” I barked, shoving my hands into my pockets so as not to ‘accidently’ punch anyone.

“Is he being pissy again?” a snotty voice with the same voice as the other two asked.

“Yah, we better leave his royal moodiness alone,” the first Pete said strolling out into the light with the other two. I honestly hate doubles. The other two stuck out their tongues out before melting into Pete’s frame and appearing as dark outlines glued to the ground behind him. “Wanna talk about it?” he asked, still smirking.

“No…” I growled again. “Now leave before I sick Ace on you.” His eyes widened and he was gone, melting into the darkness around me and dispersing into the night. “That’s what I thought…” I chuckled darkly. I walked the rest of the way to the coven house, feeling slightly self satisfied.

“Evening Bill,” Brendon greeted me as I entered the old house.

“Meh,” I sighed walking past him, but I stopped. “Found him yet?” I asked, feeling some semblance of compassion ebb from me for a fraction of a second. His confident smile faltered.

“No,” He said in a monotone, becoming distant. Brendon is a joint… but he hasn’t found his match yet. He’s been on the road, heading east and just came back last year (which is in fact just when you’re as old as we are.)

I left him to think distantly as I made my way through the house to my room. As soon as I was inside the black and red room, I felt at ease. I flopped down on my bed started to leave myself behind, coming out of my shell and instead becoming a shadow of life. Since I don’t have a shadow I can’t really do much in this form in regards to others. Yet as this presence I have more of an influence and don’t have mortal restrictions. I hovered to the large window sill and climbed to the jagged roof so I could watch the sun come up.

Something inside me told warned me of danger, but I decided not to act just yet. I just watched the city come to life.
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PLEASE DONT HATE IT!!! IT SUCKED!!! this firt chapter is shit, bu I just needed to set up some shitt so please be patient. I'll have another up tonight. There will be a HELL of a lot of charecters and stuff, so I'm gonna clarify that as best as I can.
Although chapter one sucks I hope you'll stay and at least give it some chance.
It will turn out to be mostly funny with some seriousness and plot.
hope i get some readers... and better yet- Comments?
naw- thats too much to ask. Ill ask when I deserve them.