As Shadows Play

Something Wicked This Way Comes

I sped ahed of the rest of the coven, thinking to myself.

"Aft, I don't like this... why are they here?" the voice inside my head said uneasily.

"Ash stop worrying! I'm sure it's nothing!" I chidded back.

"But it does'nt make any sense! Why would a whole coven just up and leave? Its fishy... like Pete's socks," Although he was trying to be serious, I couldn't help but laugh a little. A pain erupted in the back of my head.

"OW! No hitting!" I yelled at him.

"No making fun of me!" He yelled back.

"I swear to god I'll tell Brendon on you!" I threatened.

"Oh, were back to being five? Real mature Aftie" I was scowling at the ground until our group reached the coven house.

"What's wrong Aft?" Brittany asked, seeing my harsh look.

"Ash wont shut up," I growled.

"I'm sorry..." a pure white hand reached from her arm, seperating itself from her flesh and touching my arm. I immeadately felt better.

"Thanks Brit," I sighed, uncrossing my arms and walking to my favorite tree.

"No problem!" she grinned and skipped away. Ah, pure shadows. Can't help but love 'em.

I watched the large group pass me from the confines of the tree's shadow. Bill was looking royally pissed off, Pete was looking bored, Ace was looking tired, Brendon was looking egotistical, Carrie was looking mischevious, and Angie was looking like she'd rather be anywhere else. I spotted a short red haired girl from the West coven's group and smiled at her. She looked at me and gave a small wave as she passed. A dark red fringed shadow with hollow eyes looked at me from out her back and grinned- showing a pair of razor sharp white teeth. I gulped. Demon shadow... note to self- watch out for the deamon shadow. A blond haired boy with a thinner frame and girl hips was on a cell phone talking quietly.

Within five minutes, he snapped the phone shut and walked up to the coven leader. I heard something like 'Leaving San Fran on detour, be here in 32hrs.' I entered the house and sat next to Brendon in the living room.

"Okay people... Guys... SHUT UP!" Bill screamed, getting every one's attention. Not a sound was heard in the room. "The West Coven is going to be staying here for a while, make them feel at home so one and so forth... and plaese... don't fuck anyhing up!" He endind his lovely speech with a glare at the members of our coven. He's so warm and fuzzy! It just makes you want tokick a dog punch a baby. Ace might've taken offence at that first thought... I don't wanna get eaten.

While the others were mingling and such, I headed up to my room and sat against the door.

"Feel it now, brother?" Asher asked, not so much smugly as worriedly.

"Yah, I feel it alright... I just hope we're wrong"
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Ok im not really happy with this one either, but hell it's an update. I have made myself a guide of charecters and my post it soon... im not sure yet. I have to make sure everything is right first. If you have any special charecter requests- feel free to shout them out. Still establishing people and place and theme and stuff before I really get into hard core plot.

Hope you like it and will stay tuned! Comment if you're feeling it... of if you're not. Any feedback whatsoever is good at this point. I will also try to get some charecter pictures on here too.
Thanks so much to anyone who had read and or subscribed and or commented. Love you all, keep it up.