As Shadows Play

I've Been a Bad Boy...

When I woke- it sure as hell wasn’t of my accord. People were running outside of my door and someone was yelling orders. I groaned and rolled out of bed, hitting the floor with a grunt. I was wearing jeans and boxers. Period. I grudgingly walked to the door and cleared my throat. I opened the door to a frantic scene of people taking orders, getting dressed, and people trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

“KEEP IT THE FUCK DOWN!” I screamed, voice warping slightly to something more vicious and demonic. The hallway ceased to move. Even the Blond guy at the end of the hall who was giving directions stopped.

“Brendon! Block up your man period!” Bill’s muffled yell came from somewhere downstairs. I let out a low growl and flung the door shut again, feeling the slight satisfaction that came along with the crash of a picture frame hitting the ground outside the door. After getting dressed (only a bit more peacefully) I opened my door and journeyed downstairs. The hallways were now somewhat emptied, but I soon found the large group in the front room.

“What’s the happs?” I asked Carrie looking over the group.

“Well, seems to me that some one important from the Western Coven is gonna show up with important information or something, but their coven leader dropped his phone, so he couldn’t give them special directions that would ultimately keep them from danger. He- the coven leader that is- is now forming recon groups, emergency teams and such to help if their incoming group is in trouble.” He gasped in a breath, having said most of her overview in one breath.

“Wow. Ok… Are we allowed to go?” I asked, devilish smile coming to form on my lips.

“Oh, I hope so… I’d love to see some poor sap all bloodied right about now,” Her facile expression looked a lot like mine. She smirked, looking over at the coven leader. I lifted an eyebrow at her.

“Alex,” she grinned, knowing I was looking at her. “That boy is fine,” the I was dragged out a little longer than necessary.

“I’m getting a gaydar reading that say otherwise,” I said, rolling my eyes at her. She ‘Pffted’ and gave me a look that said ‘Oh, please! How many guys have you seen go straight for me? Thought so’ “Oh, What ever!” I laughed at her.

“Ok, guys! This is it. Let’s get to the town limits and wait. If they’re not in sight within ten minutes, I want recon out immediately. The group nodded and was out the door. Carrie and I grinned at each other and followed the other group.

“Where do you think your going?” William asked, matching our running stride.

“Well someone has to do threat check don’t they?” I asked right back, looking triumphant. He broke out in a smile as well (quite out of character for old Bilvy) and whistled. Our group was running next to us.

We got to the hill outside of town in record time. I smirked and gazed over the land where I had found the West coven yesterday.
The minutes seemed to pass like hours, with Alex glancing at his watch the whole time.

“What’s the count?” the blond boy asked, looking anxiously over the grass.

“Eight fifty-seven,” Alex breathed again. I tried not to grintoo wide given the serious circumstances. The seconds ticked by even slower.

“Alex?” The boy said again in a voice that sounded sort of like a warning.

“Nine thirty-two,” even I was starting to get tense.

“Spencer… don’t be rash,” another boy from their coven warned.

“Nine fifty-five,” Alex called. Everyone from the West dropped down to a crouch. I silently counted off in my head.


Alex raised his hand like a gunman about to start a race when a wind kicked up. Dust flew in a whirlwind and clouds started to gather. Every one shielded their eyes or made some move to shield themselves. Except me. I was too curious to care about the dirt flying everywhere or the sudden thunder with no lightning. Finally a light flashed in the sky- and just like that it was done. The clouds disappeared, and the wind stopped, but the dust seemed to hang in the air for a bit too long. I watched with a strange feeling in my stomach. The particles of dust seemed to fall straight to the ground in the same instant, revealing three boys.

The one on the left was short, had jet black hair and sleeves of tattoos. He was looking somewhat bored. The one on the right was taller, had amazingly red hair and one piercing. This one looked satisfied, for lack of a better word. About these two, I could honestly care less. All that mattered was the boy in the middle with brown hair in a faux hawk who was smirking his ass off. I realized I was gawking as I felt Carrie’s hand close my mouth.

“Drama Queen,” Alex sighed, dropping his hand.

“Pfft, you know you love it,” the brown haired boy said, walking over to Alex.

“Nice to see you,” Alex smiled, hugging the boy. “Don’t do that again,” he breathed, looking quite winded. “No trouble I trust?”

“Well… define trouble…” That cocky grin was back on his face. Alex gave him a ‘cut the shit’ look. “There were only two of them, but it’s fine! We took care of it.” He was strolling in a sort of loop back to the other two boys with his hands behind his head.

“Ryan! I swear to God!” Alex yelled.

“Hey! It’s your fault you didn’t tell us the proper route to take! And I said I took care of it. Jeez, don’t get your undies in a bundle. It was nothing that even had to be reported it was so small.” He was hardly shaken by Alex’s outburst.

“Ugh! Whatever. You can just… report to me later.” Carrie nudged Bill.

“Hate to spoil this golden family moment, but- we have to get in here too,” Bill said, not quite as icily as he usually does. Hmm… Did someone get laid last night? I smirked at my train of thought, but realized I had a job to do.

“Oh, sure thing. Go ahead.” Alex stepped back.

“Carrie- Left, Pete- Right, Brendon- Middle. Ace… go gettem’ boy,” Bill smirked wickedly. Carried rolled her eyes and made her way over to little tattoo man. Pete looked bitchy. Not normal bitchy- like ‘ew-mi-gawd, Tracie, like look at her shoes!’ bitchy. Probably pissed because he didn’t get all his beauty sleep. I walked over to the boy, hands in my pockets nonchalantly.

“I’m gonna need you to put your hands behind your head and spread your legs,” I droned as I have a million other times in my life. Heh-heh frisking the sexy boy… go Brendon.

“I’m innocent officer I swear,” he chuckled, doing as I said.

“Yah, I get that a lot. And usually after they say that, I find out they’re the most guilty,” I smirked, bending down and feeling up his legs. I’m not exactly sure why this is necessary, this boys pants are too tight to be smuggling anything that wasn’t plainly obvious anyway. He laughed, and for a moment I was afraid I accidently said that last thought out loud. After a moment I was done and he turned to look at me.

“So, do I check out?” His eyes met mine for the first time and for a moment I found myself lost in their honey hues. I found myself after a moment and my normal smirk slithered back into place.

“For now,” I said, putting my hands back in my pockets and shrugging. I tried to ignore the foreign feeling getting larger in the depths of my being. I stole a glance on the ground and saw something I didn’t expect. Right there on the ground I saw his outline, sliced down the center, only half visible. My half was right next to his. For a moment it looked as if the two would fit together, but I blinked and the picture vanished from my eyes as I looked up from the ground again. I strolled back to the other four of my coven gathered here. Bill didn’t even explain where they were to stay, he just sighed and left. We followed first. Alex followed us with his coven behind him.

I tried to act normal… that is until I got to the house. I didn’t break my pace, but kept running up to my room. I tried not to slam the door. Once I was safely inside I sat flopped face-down onto my bed and screamed.
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Ok. I sort of liked it. It took forever... I'm not even sure why... anyway.... feedback? YAY!! It was Travis Frankie and RYRO!

Horray! cheers? hope it was ok!
Thanks. I'll try to update more soon. Summers comming fast and then ill be free to write as I please!