Empty Places

This Year's Boy

I gasped for air as my eyes snapped open. I pulled the oxygen tube from my nose, I’m confused and completely disoriented. Where was I? What happened? I felt like I couldn’t breath, was I having a panic attack? Suddenly a nurse bursts into my room, she looked completely shocked.

“Mr. Ross are you ok?” she yelled.

I couldn’t reply, I couldn’t breath. She rushed toward me and injected something into my arm, a sedative. I began to calm down, I was able to breath again, but everything started spinning and I felt dizzy. Everything began to get all blurry and suddenly everything faded into black.

I was driving, talking to Brendon on the phone, “Yeah Bden I’ll be home in a…”

I opened my eyes again this time I actually breath pretty well. I was a hospital room, it was all white and the fluorescent lights were hurting my eyes. The same nurse from before walked in again.

“Mr. Ross it’s good to see you’re awake.” she said with a soft smile on her face.

“Wh-wh-where am I?” I stuttered.

“You’re in the hospital, your friends are out there. They’ll be able to see you after Dr. Zimmerman comes to check you out.” She answered. “I’ll go get him for ya.” With that she walked out of the room.

“Uh…Ok.” I replied I still can’t seem to know what happened. The last thing I remember was talking to Brendon as I was driving home. My body felt all achy from laying on the bed, I assumed. I run a hand through my hair, I don’t remember it being this shaggy. What in the world is going on. A few minutes later the doctor came in. He seemed pretty old about forty or fifty years old.

“So how are you feeling Mr. Ross?” He asked as he walked towards me.

“Pretty well I guess, just a little sore.” I replied.

“Well it must be from the old bed.” He said chuckling a little. He checked my eyes, asked me what how many fingers he was holding up, and then he asked me the date.

“November, 21, 2007.” I answered.

“Oh dear. This maybe a little shocking but it’s actually March, 24, 2009.” He said slowly.

“What? You’re kidding right?” I was completely shocked to hear this.

“You’ve been in a coma for over a year.” He answered softly.

“A coma?! What? How? Why?” I was completely bewildered.

“Why don’t I let your friends explain this to you?” Dr. Zimmerman said nervously.

“Wait! Give me like ten minutes to figure this out then let them in.” I said barely audibly.

“You got it.” Said the doctor before walking out of the room.

A coma?! How could that have happened. And for over a year, I couldn’t help but wonder how Bren, Jon, and Spencer could’ve gotten a long without me. The tour. They must have cancelled it. And Bren, poor Bren he must have had it the worst. I didn’t know what to think or how to feel. I had wasted a year of my life in a coma. I couldn’t even remember how I could’ve ended up there.

The guys would definitely be able to fill in the blanks. I felt completely nervous, what if Brendon didn’t love me anymore? None sense, I was the only boy he would ever love. I couldn’t wait to see him, hug him, kiss his soft lips. Suddenly the door opened and they stepped in. They looked nothing like what I remembered.
♠ ♠ ♠
So new story. Something a little dramatic.
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Comments= updating again (if you like it that is 0.o)
So let me know what you think. :]

♥- Mr. Urie