Empty Places

The Replacement

When Brendon walked out of the bathroom I was mesmerized by how hot he looked, but I quickly snapped myself out of it. I was going to get the truth out of him even if I had to be deceitful. I hated being lied to, especially coming from Bren. He finished getting ready and then we were ready to go. I wondered where our friends could be throwing a party, Jon’s? Spencer’s? I decided it didn’t matter, I was going to have fun. And as for Brendon I would wait till we got in the car.

We made it down to the parking lot and got in his Jaguar. It was time to begin, “so what’s happened since I’ve been gone?”

“Nothing much, the tour is the biggest thing we’ve been focusing on.” Brendon replied.

“Really? You mean to tell me you haven’t had any fun in the year I’ve been in a coma?” I asked bluntly.

“How could I have fun while you were laying in a hospital bed Ry?” He was laying, I’ve known him long enough to know when he’s lying.

“No no boys ever came across your path?” I asked staring straight at him. He couldn't even look me in the eye.

“No, like I said I focused on the tour and hoping you would wake up soon.” He said staring out the windshield.

“Cause I mean if there was, it’s totally cool, it’s not like I’m expecting you to say you were waiting for me.” I bluntly stated.

“Ry, I was waiting for you to wake up.” He sounded frustrated now.

I decided to let it drop.

“So where are we going?” I asked half-heartedly.

“You’ll see,” he answered with a sweet smile on his face.

I just nodded. The rest of the car ride went by silently, then we arrived at a night club.

“What? How did you guys pull this off on such short notice?” I asked impressed.

“Pete gets what he wants,” Brendon answered, chuckling.

They even had valet parking, Brendon and I stepped out of the car and walked into the club. Suddenly I was in a sea of familiar faces all rushing to greet me and ask dumb questions such as “was the coma refreshing?” or “do you feel you’ve had enough sleep for a lifetime?” Of course I had to keep smiling. I didn’t mind all of the attention. After greeting about five hundred people, almost quite literally I was able to hang out with Jon, Brendon, and Spencer.

It was nice to be back, the old Ryan Ross alive and kickin’. Then he walked in. Jack. Suddenly everyone seemed to turn to him. He wore faded blue skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. Brendon quickly went to get him. I knew there was something going between them by the way they were smiling at each other. But hell hath no fury like a Ryan Ross scorn. They made their way to Jon, Spencer and I.

“Ryan this is Jack, Jack this is Ryan.” Brendon introduced.

“Hey nice to see you up and about,” said Jack extending his hand.

“Hi,” I didn’t bother to shake hands with him, but I gave him one of my fake smiles.

“Why don’t we go dance you guys,” said Brendon to Jon and Spencer, “we’ll give them a chance to get to know each other.”

As soon as they left I rolled my eyes at their attempt to get me to bond with him.

“So…I’m really glad you’re awake. I mean the guys have been great but they’ve really miss you.” he said.

“Hmm…well of course they would, I’m one of a kind,” I replied coldly.

“Yeah Bden had it the hardest,” he stated.

I hate hearing him call Brendon by his nickname, “and let me guess you were there to comfort him.”

“What? Ryan, I--” he began.

But I cut him off, “don’t play innocent with me, I know something happened between you two.”

“Ry, really--”

Once again I stopped him, “I was in a coma but fortunately I didn’t suffer any brain damage. I know Brendon better than anyone in here so don’t even try to deny it.”

“I--” He was clearly stunned by the way I acted.

I got up, on the way I accidentally spilled my drink on him shirt, “oops, clumsy me. Now excuse me.” I walked away from the booth where we had been sitting. As I tried to make my way to Brendon the conversations only fueled the fire inside me. “Who do you think will stay Jack or Ryan?”, “I don’t know but I think Jack looks way sexier than Ryan.”, “Who do you think Bren will pick?”

“Hey you guys, you left me all alone.” I said as I began to dance with Brendon.

“What about Jack?” Brendon asked.

“He had to go clean up, that boy is so clumsy, he spilled a drink all over himself,” I said casually.

“What?” Brendon asked clearly confused.

“Oh don’t worry about him, you have me.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

He pulled away from me, “I’m gonna go see how he’s doing.”

“Go I’ll just see if anyone else feels like dancing.” I called after him.

It clearly aggravated me that he went to find Jack, but I kept my composure and turned to dance with Jon and Spencer.

“Is he always that protective of him?” I asked sarcastically.

They remained quiet, so I continued to dance. After a few minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Brendon with Jack and his stained shirt. “You weren’t all that good at cleaning that up were you?” I asked mockingly.

“Did you spill the drink on him?” Brendon asked accusingly.

“It was more of an accident,” I answered smiling.

“Why would you do that?” He asked. He seemed hurt by my attitude.

“Because I don’t like that second-hand, wannabe Ryan Ross, replacement of yours,” I replied with pure venom.

Brendon was clearly speechless. A bunch of people were staring at us by that point.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to borrow your car.”

He took out the keys from his pocket, “alright but quit making a scene.”

That was what totally drove me over the edge. “A scene?” I asked laughing humorlessly. “A fucking scene?!” My voice got an octave higher.

“Ry, please.” Brendon pleaded through gritted teeth.

“I’ll give you a fucking scene!” It took all my energy but I managed to punch him in the jaw, he fell to the ground dropping the keys. I took a drink from some chick who’s standing near me and throw it at Jack’s face. “How do you like this scene now?”

I bent down and pick up the keys from where Brendon dropped them. He stared at me as if I were a stranger.

“Good night ladies and gentleman, enjoy Jack’s party!” I said as I walked through the sea of people. I walked out smiling widely and with that the old, sweet, and sensitive Ryan Ross died and a new one rose from the ashes.
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That's five for ya.
Hope it was dramatic enough. :]
I loved writing it! XD
There's more drama to come, so please subscribe? :]
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