Empty Places


I drove away from the party, I felt extremely good. If they all had changed their lives why shouldn’t I? When I arrived home though, I didn’t exactly feel that well. I must have over worked myself for one night. I laid on the couch to rest for a few minutes. It was eight o’clock in the morning when I woke up, there was a blanket on me and Brendon was already making breakfast. I felt kind of guilty about what I’d done the night before. I got up and walked toward the kitchen.

“Good morning,” said Bren as I sat on the kitchen table.

“Hey,” I replied drowsily.

“I didn’t want to wake you last night so that’s why I just left you on the couch.” He muttered.

He turned and I could see the bruise I’d left on his jaw. Now I really felt guilty. “Bden I’m really sorry about last night.” I tried to apologize.

“Don’t worry about it,” he murmured.

“I really didn’t mean for it to happen but I just hate being lied to,” I went on.

“Lied to?” He obviously wanted to go on with his lie.

“Like right now! Why can’t you just admit that you and Jack have or had a thing!?” I was yelling at this point.

“Because I didn’t want to hurt you damn it!” He turned around and screamed at me.

“And you don’t think lying to me hurts me?” I whispered.

“Ryan you don’t understand,” he said.

“Then help me understand!” I pled.

“Ry, you were in a coma, the doctors didn’t know whether or not you would ever wake up. They said that if you did wake up chances were there would be permanent brain damage, they said you would never be the same,” his voice broke at the last word and tears were silently rolling down his cheeks, “then Jack came along, he was so sweet, and sensitive and he was always there for me. One thing led to another and that’s how it happened. But Ry I never meant to hurt you.”

“Bren, I totally understand,” I began, “ You’re the man I love always have and always will, but--” I stopped.

“But what?” He asked wiping the tears away.

“But you betrayed me, and I think you should go.” I said bluntly.

“What? Go? Go where?” He seemed completely surprised.

“I think you should go live with him, we’re done here.” I said before getting up from the chair and walked to the kitchen doorway, I turned to look back at a shocked Brendon. “Oh and Bren?”

He nodded.

“Don’t forget to leave your keys when you’re done.” I walked up the stairs smiling, Brendon Urie had no idea what he had just unleashed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So another update cause all your comments made me so happy! :D
Yesh Ryan shall continue with his revenge! XDD
It's short but just so I could get that out of the way and move onto more wild territory! XD
So stay tuned, I could even update again later on tonight if I'm motivated enough by more of your comments. :]