Empty Places

First Date

I couldn’t stop thinking about the guy. It had been two days since I’d raced him and now here I was pacing the house pondering whether or not to call him. What if it had all been a joke and my ticket was really on the mail? I sighed in frustration. I was being completely irrational and immature. I was just about to crumple the paper when I looked at the number again. “What the hell,” I said to myself.

I flipped the swivel screen of my Sidekick and began dialing the number. I flipped it closed and brought the phone to my ear. It began to ring.

“Hello?” he asked.

“Hey…uh…this is Mr. Ross,” I said.

“Oh hey! I was beginning to think you weren’t going to call,” he said in a casual voice.

“Well I was waiting till you were itching to hear from me,” I tried to sound as casual a he had.

“Wow Ryan that sounds completely unexpected from you,” He voice was sultry and his chuckle was suave.

“But I must say you have me at a disadvantage,” I said.

“How so?” he asked.

“You know my name, but I don’t know yours.”

He chuckled, “well why don’t I pick you up and I’ll tell you my name?”

My heart was racing now, he definitely had a way of getting me excited. I gave him my address and he said he would be by in 15 minutes to pick me up. I went into the bathroom to make sure I looked good. I fixed my hair and went to look out the window. I was anxious and excited, and for what a guy I didn’t know? For some reason I felt like I needed him.

A few minutes later his Chrysler was parked right in front of my apartment, I grabbed my keys, my phone, and my leather jacket and headed down. I couldn’t stop smiling as I skipped down the stairs, but once I outside I put on my poker face. I walked toward him, he had his window lowered.

“Get in,” he said smiling.

“I’m sorry, I don’t take rides with strangers,” I tried to sound as innocent as possible.

“The name’s Damon,” he chuckled slightly, “now get in.”

I walked around to the passenger door and got in. “So what are we doing?” I asked.

“That’s for me and for you to find out,” he said smirking.

“Is that so?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

He smiled and we sped off, he took me to a secluded park where he parked. I glanced at the clock on the dashboard, it was only 5:42 PM.

“Is this the part where you kill the innocent guitarist who just woke up from a coma?” I asked jokingly.

“Nah, this is the part where we talk THEN I take you to my leader.”

We both laughed.

“But I am serious,” he said.

“About the taking me to your leader?” I mocked.

“More so about the talking, Mr. Ryan Ross.” He laughed.

“That I like Mr. Damon.”

“So I thought you and Urie were supposed to be dating.” He said casually.

“We were,” I began, “until I found out he cheated on me while I was in a coma.”


“I know right? I mean who does that?! You’d think that if the person you ‘love’ falls into a coma you would wait for them. Or it’s at least common courtesy to wait till they die you know?” I couldn’t believe I was raving on about this, yet I continued. “I mean you would wait if the one you loved was in a coma right? But no Brendon had to go get comforted by Jack! And they had the audacity to go on tour with that Jack guy! Can you believe it! But the point is I dumped him after this horrible incident at a party they all threw for me.”

He simply nodded and he looked completely freaked.

“I’m sorry I have no idea why I’m raving about this to you of all people.” I said sheepishly.

He chuckled, “it’s ok. Sometimes it’s best to talk about these things to strangers. But I know for a fact that if you were in a coma I would wait for you.”

“You’re sweet,” I said smiling.

“That’s exactly what I was aiming for.”

“So tell me about you, Mr. I’m a cop/drag street racer,” I said.

“What can I say, I like my cars fast and my men hot. And luckily looks I have both right now.” He said grinning.

“Lucky you,” I said blushing.

We talked about random stuff from then on, when I glanced at the clock again it was 6:58 PM. The sun was setting, creating a beautiful orange glow over the horizon. I was surprised when started the car up again.

“Now you take me to your leader?” I asked innocently.

“Nope. Now I take you to my world.” With that we sped off, away from the sunset.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there you have it.
So this is what I did instead of doing my HW. lol
Enjoy and comment please? =]
Comments = me ditching more hw to write! XDD
Also I went back and edited all the other chapters cause I was reading it and I had WAY too many verb tense mixed in there. lol
So I think I'm gonna add some Brendon's POV chapters just to keep it interesting.
-Mr. Urie :]