Empty Places

I Only Have Eyes For You

It’s been two weeks and two days since Ryan kicked me out of home. But can I really blame him? I lied to him, maybe if I had just told him everything that day when he woke up things would be different. But I can’t change the past, but perhaps I could change the future. I missed him terribly.

But then maybe I was in love with the old Ryan. The one who was nice and sweet not the new condescending and spiteful one from now. But then I was the one who drove him to that. Once again I cant help but wonder what things would be like if I had stuck by his side. I took out my Blackberry from the pocket of my jeans and dialed his number.

There’s no answer, maybe I should go check up on him. No he made it clear he doesn’t want me in his life anymore. Jack came into the room then, I jammed the phone back into my pocket.

“Hey Bden, how are you?” he asked sitting next to me on the bed.

“Uh…I’m fine.” I replied rubbing at the back of my neck.

“What’s wrong babe?” Jack asked as he leaned his head on my shoulder the way Ry used to.

“Nothing,” I replied trying to sound convincing.

“You don’t have a nothing face, you have a something face.” He said.

“I’m just worried about Ryan,” I decided it was better to just tell him the truth.

Jack climbed onto my lap, “oh Ryan’s a big boy, he can take care of himself,” he began kissing my neck, “now let me take care of you.”

I closed my eyes, no matter what Ryan said or how he acted I would always have eyes for him only.
♠ ♠ ♠
Agh! Shortness! XP
But at least now you know little Bden still loves Ry.
Hmm....maybe he'll try to fight for him? But you know what they say if you love someone all you can do is let them go.
We're all dying to see what happens next.
So stay tuned cause I'm working on the next one right now. ;D