Nothing Left To Do But Scream

Took Over My Sense and I Lost Control

Whitney's POV

Cherishing, those feelings pleasuring
Cover me, unwanted clemency
Scream till there's silence
Scream while there's life left, vanishing
Scream from the pleasure
Unmask your desire, perishing

I could hear the ear buds vibrating in my ear from how loud the music was pumping. This song was the only one that could pump me up enough before an audition. After a year in Huntington and still nothing, I was about ready to break. Let me explain a little before I go on.

My name is Whitney Kingsley, and I know that one way or another, I will make it big one day. Being a super model has been my biggest dream since I was five years old. Even that young, I could walk a runway and outshine every other model. This was the one aspect of my life that I was actually confident in myself about. I'm 5'9'' and have wavy black hair and blue eyes, with pale white skin. I've always been told I had the looks of a super model. I don't know whether that's a compliment or not, considering super models are usually weird or different looking.
But I like to think of it as a compliment.

I approached the sign up sheet of Julie Studios, filled out my name, and waited to be called in.

Scream, scream, scream the way you would if I ravaged your body
Scream, scream, scream the way you would if I ravaged your mind.

"Whitney Kingsley!" the casting director yelled. I put my iPod away and walked in with confidence.

"Hey there! I'm Whitney" I said with my head held high. This was it. My big chance. I can't blow this.


I can't believe I blew it.

Walking out of the audition room, I felt a tear start to fall down my cheek. What the hell was wrong with me? Why couldn't I get one damn job? I've had a little experience back home in Virginia, I hold myself up properly, I have the body and talent. What am I doing wrong? Maybe it was a mistake to move out here. I left everyone and everything I loved behind me for something that hasn't been working out for me.

Maybe it's time to go home.
I reached for my phone in my coat pocket. I scrolled through my contacts and found Mom's cell number. Inching closer and closer towards the send button, I started to think about everything I had given up to come here. College, family, my boyfriend. I missed all of them.

Then I began to think of everything I had achieved here. I did make it into a prestigious modeling agency that has been sending me out to audition.
I was torn and had no clue where to turn. All I knew at this point was that I had two options: a) I go home and explain to my family that this wasn't the right choice for me. I could apply to college again and try to get back with Eric or b) I could stay here, fight out all the rejections I've gotten, and try to look at the more positive sides. The right job will come along eventually, right?

That's when I lost it.

I was so torn, so confused inside that I blew everything. I threw my phone at the ground, by miracle not breaking it. I threw my tote bag along with it and put my hands on my head. My fingers threaded in my hair.

And I screamed.

I screamed louder then I ever have. I had never had so much frustration in my life. Tears started to fall from my eyes as this scream seemed to go on and on. After I stopped screaming, I put my back to the wall and slid down to the ground. I put my forehead on my knees and tried to breathe.

I had always been told that a good scream could relieve you.

I had no idea it would end up saving me.
I had no idea it would turn me into a star.
And most importantly, I had no idea that it would lead me to the love of my life.

"Excuse me, were you the young lady that was just screaming?" I heard a voice in front of me. I looked up to see him. Synyster himself.

Brian Haner Jr.
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Title credit goes to Avenged Sevenfold -- Scream
Starting out a bit slow but it'll pick up now that Syn is involved (:
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