Nothing Left To Do But Scream

Your Hopeless Songs Won't Stick

Brian's POV

"So Matt's got a girl, huh?" Whitney asked as we walked out of the mall, my arm slung over her shoulder.

"I guess so. You jealous?" I asked teasing her. She giggled a little.

"Now why would I be jealous?"

"Coz you looooooove him," I said. She giggled more and playfully hit my chest.

"Shut up." I chuckled as we got into the parking lot, trying to re-locate the car.

"Damn it. Where did we park?" I asked out loud. I heard Whitney start to giggle. God, she was so adorable.

"You think this is funny?" I asked her, her still giggling. She nodded her head in answering me. I started walking closer to her, her smiling bigger and bigger with every step I took.

"You want to see funny?" I asked. She knew what was coming and started running. Now I started running after her.

"Yeah, keep running babe. See what'll happen," I yelled to her. She giggled more and ran faster. And yeah, it looks just as ridiculous as it sounds. Running around a parking lot. She made a left around a car and I knew exactly where she would end up. I turned back around and got to that spot a few seconds before she did. She ran right into me and screamed. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pushed her up against the car, kissing her neck intensely. Her giggles began to turn into very small and quiet moans. It was so damn sexy.

"We need to get back to the hotel. Right now," I said into her neck.

"We gotta find the car first," she said.

All of a sudden, the car I pushed Whitney up against unlocked and the lights went on.

"Found the car," we heard Jimmy say from behind. We both turned around to see Jimmy, Johnny, and Zacky watching us.

"Pervs," I muttered.

"Alright, nice!" Zacky yelled, high-fiving Johnny who was next to him.

"Hey, losers. Shut up," Whitney said, smiling. I laughed as we both got into the car, making sure to grab the backseat before anyone else. Not that I would ever...okay, I would. But Whitney would never do that with the guys right there. She's too much of a lady.

We both buckled up and I put my arm around her as Jimmy jumped in the front seat to drive his car. Matt, Johnny, and Zacky had taken Matt's car.

"Soooooo. Brian and Whitney. What's going on, guys?" he asked, obviously trying to find out what was going on with us.

"Nothing, man. What's up with you?" I asked him back.

"Well, uh, we we're going to a club tonight so we were gonna go back and change, then meet everyone at the club," he told us.

"Oh, sounds like fun," Whitney said, smiling at me. I smiled back and kissed her cheek. I saw Jimmy eye me from the rear view mirror.

The ride was pretty quiet. Whitney and I barely spoke where as Jimmy didn't speak at all. We pulled up to the hotel and got out quickly.

"Uh, Brian? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Jimmy asked uneasily. I knew something was going on.

"Yeah. Hey hun, go on up stairs and I'll meet you up there," I said smiling. She nodded and walked into the lobby. I turned towards Jimmy and walked up to him.

"What's going on, man?"

"Look Brian, we all know how you get with Scream girls," he started to say. I had a feeling this was gonna come up.

"Look, I know what you're thinking but Whitney isn't just another Scream girl."

"That's exactly what you said about Emily. And Julie. And Chelsea. And Sophia. And-"

"Okay, I get it," I said with my hands in the air.

"Look, I'm not saying don't go and fall for someone. All I'm saying is that she's one of the best Scream girls we've ever had. She can dance, she's funny, she's a great girl to have around, and she's sexy as hell. Don't piss her off or make her leave like you did with Emily and Julie and Chels-"

"No need to go through the list again. I know and I won't, okay? Scout's honor," I said, making the Boy Scout's symbol with my hand.

"Alright then. Now go get ready. We're meeting the rest of the guys at Club Thunder in a few hours," Jimmy said.

"Alright dude."
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Season -- The Academy Is...<3
it's been forever, yes i know. but i kinda like this chapter.
brian's not as innocent as he seems(: