Nothing Left To Do But Scream

Tell Me You'll Remember

Matt's POV

"Are we ready yet?" I yelled from my car in the parking lot. Jimmy and Zacky were already in my car. We were just waiting for Johnny and the "love birds". I can't stand either of them right now. She doesn't realize that he'll find another Sream girl in just another few weeks. He always does.

"Alright. alright, we're ready," Johnny said coming out. Then Brian, followed by...oh damn. Here we go again. Breathtaking. I kept my eyes straight ahead, not looking atthem her. I wouldn't stop myself from staring.

"Oh shit. She looks good," I heard Zacky say.

"Yeah, well, whatever," I said stepping on the gas pedal and driving out of the parking lot in the rental car. I looked back and saw all three of them watching me as I sped off.

"Whoa, take it easy man," Jimmy said, holding on to the seat in front of him.

"I'm fine. It's fine. We'll get there quicker," I said crossing an intersection quickly before the light turned red. I had to get rid of a lot of frustration tonight.


"I can't find Brian or Whitney! Where are they?!" Jimmy yelled over the music. I sat at the bar, a glass of Skyy Vodka in my hands.

"Do I really look like I give a shit where either of them are?" I yelled back over. Jimmy knew I was mad and backed off right then. Stupid Brian. He doesn't deserve a girl as great as Whitney.

"Ugh," I moaned spinning the stool I was sitting on back around to face the bartender.

"Another drink, man," I said, lifting my glass for him to see. He nodded and fixed my drink. He slid it over to me and I nodded. I took a long sip before I felt someone bump into me.

"Oh, I'm sorry Matt," Whitney said giggling uncontrollably. I could tell she had had way too much to drink.

"That's okay, sweetheart," I said looking around, "Where's Brian?"

"Hmmm. I...I forgot," she said laughing , loosing her balance. I grabbed her quickly before she fell to the floor. She couldn't stop laughing. I put my drink down before I dropped it and stood up, still holding on to her.

"Come on, let's go have you sit down, okay?" I said to her. She pushed me away a little before looking back and smiling. Then she walked back to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her.

"L-let's - hiccup! - dance!" she said to me.

"Oh, I don't know if that's a good--" then I thought about it. Brian's not here. He won't see us. And even if he did, so what? We're just dancing. Nothing more then a simple dance. And even if it was more, so what? They weren't together.

"Okay, babe. Let's go," I said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the dance floor. We made our way through the crowd and got to the center. Whitney had taken her cardigan and scarf off, in nothing more than a super tight mini black dress and a pair of matching heels. Her hair was down, long, and seemed to flow down to the middle of her back. Her dark strands glided from side to side as she moved to the beat of some lame trendy pop song. I stopped moving and just looked at her. I just didn't understand how beautiful one girl could actually be until she came into my life. And I knew that as soon as we got to Arizona, Brian would be all over the next girl. This poor, beautiful girl that stood in front of me would have her heart broken within a few weeks. I just hate to see that happen to her. She turned back around and gave me a drunken smile. I smiled back and continued to dance with her.

Two trailer park girls go round the outside,
round the outside, round the outside.
Two trailer park girls go round the outside,
round the outside, round the outside.

Things were getting intense on the dance floor. We were grinding and holding on to each other as if our life depended on it. She turned back to face me and kissed me again for probably the sixth time tonight. I probably would have tried to stop her if I wasn't so hammered. Finally, she leaned up to my ear.

"Let's get out of here," she whispered seductively, then kissed the rim of my ear. I didn't respond. I just took her hand and began to walk out. After we made our way out of the club, we hailed down a cab and I instructed the driver to our hotel in the best possible way I could in a...non-sober state. Whitney was no help as she was in a giggling state. After we arrived to our hotel, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other in the lobby, up the elevator, or at the door. I slid the key in and pushed the door open to mine and Zacky's room. Before I knew it, Whitney was lying on my bed in nothing but her bra and underwear, me in nothing but my boxers lying on top of her. Just before we got serious, I looked down to see a necklace around her neck. The charm lay right atop of her bra. I took a closer look and realized it was Brian's dog tag. Brian. As in my best friend Brian. I looked into Whitney's eyes and knew that tomorrow morning, she would wake up and realize how big of a mistake she made. And I'd be that mistake. I want Whitney. Sooooo badly. But I wouldn't get her this way. Not the way that I wanted her. I sighed and rolled off of her. She got up and crawled on top of me, a confused look on her face.

"Baby, why did you stop?" she asked, kissing my chest.

"Whitney, stop. We can't do this," I said.

"But Matt, I want you. I've wanted you since - hiccup! - I first saw you. You were so sexy," she continued to kiss my chest, then up towards my neck. Before I could say anything or kiss her again, the dog tag hit my chin lightly.

Damn that dog tag I thought to myself.

"Whitney, please. Stop. You're making this harder for me," I said, lightly pushing her off of me.

"But...don't you find me sexy?" she asked, still trying to keep her balance sitting down. God, she was so out of it.

"Of course. And I want you to be mine. But not like this. I'm not gonna be your mistake. I'll be yours eventually. Whitney, I'm falling in love with you. It's ridiculous because you're my best friend's girl but it's how I feel. I love you, Whitney. And if I have to wait a little while before I can have you, then it's worth it" I said. I turned around and faced her but she had passed out during my little speech. I sighed and walked over to her. I picked her up and slipped her dress back on her, then her cardigan, lastly her shoes. Then I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. I laid her down on her bed and put the blankets over her. As I tucked her in, I saw the dog tag shine as the light from the moon hit it perfectly. I sighed to myself again. I gave her forehead a light yet lingering kiss. I let up and walked to her door.

"Hey Matt?" I heard her say.

"Yeah, sweetheart?" I asked her, my hand on the doorknob.

"Thank you for - hiccup! - carrying me. I love you," she mumbled out.

"Yeah. I love you too," I said lowly before walking out and over to my room. It's nights like tonight that break my heart.

"It's alright. I'll get her one day," I said to myself as I crawled into bed and fell asleep.
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Summer Hair = Forever Young - The Academy Is...
intense, huh? i'm so sorry for the long wait. i really am. i've been completely stressed out lately and haven't had time for ANYTHING. but yes, the next update is finally here(:
so i'm a little confused and i really need your guys' help. i'm really thinking i should turn this into a Matt Sanders story but i still love Brian so much. help me out and comment what you think, yeah? (: