Nothing Left To Do But Scream

But I'm Too Young To Worry

Brian's POV

I slammed the door and stormed into the studio, more pissed off then I think I ever have been. Fuck girls. Seriously. I sat down at the table and tried to calm down.

"Uh, Brian? You okay, man?" Matt asked me.

"I'm so fucking sick of girls!" I yelled, not being able to control it.

"Hey Matt, we're gonna need you in here in a few minutes" the music executive said.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a sec," he said sitting down next to me, "What did Michelle do?".

"She called me to come pick her up from the mall at 2. I got 2. She came 5.30. She hadn't answered her phone when I called. I went inside to try and find her but couldn't. Then when I finally got to her, I simply asked her why she hadn't answered me coz I was scared something had happened to her. She told me that I needed chill and that I'm too clingy!" I said more than frustrated.

"Dude, that doesn't even make sense" Matt said.

"I know. She broke up with me again coz I freaked out on her. She just pissed me off so much".

"How many times does that make it for you guys?".

"I think this is the sixth time this month" I answered.

"Well, at least you know she'll be calling you later today, apologizing and saying 'let's never break up again'" Matt said in his Michelle voice. He used air quotes to signal Michelle's infamous line, "let's never break up again".

"Yeah but honestly, I don't think I'll do it" I said after a few seconds, giving it real thought.

"Really" Matt said as more of a statement rather than a question.

"Yeah. Dude, I'm getting too old for this shit. I can't spend the rest of my life like this. I love her but I can't control it anymore" I said, putting my head back on the table.

"It's alright, man. Just yell" he said.


"Yell. Scream out every annoyance in you right now. You'll feel a hell of a lot better" he said. As I opened my mouth to scream, another scream took over. It wasn't from my mouth, though.

"Whoa. Maybe you have been with Michelle too long. You're starting to sound like a chick" Matt said laughing.

"That wasn't me you dumb ass" I said getting up. I walked into the hallway of our music studio and looked around. The screaming had stopped but I saw no one. I left the studio and began to walk down the corridor. I made a left and almost walked into a girl, sitting down on the ground, her back to the wall, and her face resting face down on her knees.

"Excuse me, were you the young lady that was just screaming?" I asked her. She looked up at me with red eyes....
Oh my God.

She was beautiful.

So beautiful, I forgot what I was even going to say.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I just...I was really...I'm really..." she said putting her head back down. She couldn't find the right words to finish.
So I finished for her.

"You're really....pretty" I said without thinking. She looked back up and smiled.

"Oh. Thank you" she said.

No beautiful, thank you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Seize The Day -- Avenged Sevenfold
Okay, another short boring chapter. But it was crucial to the story. I needed to explain the relationship between Michelle and Brian before anything started.
And I don't have anything against Michelle if that's what you guys are thinking. I actually happen to find them as a cute couple. Buuuuuuut that wouldn't work out too well for my story so I changed it. Anyway, comments and thoughts would be wonderful (: