Nothing Left To Do But Scream

There's No Time For Hating

Brian's POV

"Just remember to stay quiet" I reminded a freaked out Whitney. I guess she was a little more then just a fan of ours. Right when we walked into the studio, her jaw dropped at the sight of Johnny, Zacky, Jimmy, and Matt, who was in the booth recording. Whitney replied with a head nod and had the goofiest smile on her face from seeing all of us.

I won't lie, her goofy smile was adorable.

"And...cut! Nice work, Matt" the record executive said. Matt hung up his headphones and walked out to greet us.

Matt stopped, his eyes locked on Whitney.

"Oh, wow" he said slowly. He began to walk up to both of us, his eyes not leaving Whitney for a second.

"And your name, beautiful?" Matt asked, holding out his hand towards her. She giggled and blushed, then held her hand out to his.

"Whitney" she said with that same goofy, adorable smile.

"Whitney" he repeated, kissing the top of her hand lightly. She giggled more.
This was going to make me sick.

"Oooookay, that's enough" I said pulling Whitney's hand back. Matt looked up at me for just a second before floating back to Whitney.

"Guys, this is Whitney" I said across the room. I walked her over to the rest of the band, Matt following close behind.

"Whitney, this is Johnny, Jimmy, and Zacky" I said. She shook their hands and smiled. Damn, she was pretty.

"Here, meet me again" Matt said, holding his hand towards her. She laughed and did as he said. I just rolled my eyes.

"This was the girl that we heard screaming" I said to them.

"Whoa, that was you?" Matt asked. She nodded, a little embarrassed.

"But her screaming, plus her being a model gave me a great idea! She could be a--".

"Damn, you're a model too?!" Matt continued.

"Matt, focus. Whitney could be a Scream girl" I said. Whitney's mouth dropped as Matt's grin got only bigger and bigger.

" want me to be a Scream girl?" she asked, not believing it.

"I think that you'll be great" I said giving a genuine smile.

"Aw hun, you totally would! You have a gorgeous face, hell of amount of lung power, and you have fantastic body" he said. I rolled my eyes yet again.

Ever since Matt broke up with Val, he's been all over every girl to come into his path. I know that Whitney'scute beautiful, but still. He needed to calm it down just a bit.

"What do you guys think?" I asked the rest of the guys.

"Yeah, sounds good with me" Johnny said.

"Yeah, me too" Zacky agreed.

"Definitely not turning her down" Jimmy said giving a devilish grin, then wink to Whitney. She blushed just a little bit more.

"Then it's settled. Whitney, go pack up your things. You'll be on tour with us for the next four months" I said smiling. She screamed out again, probably damaging one of our ear drums, then hugged me tightly. It felt good, I won't lie.

"Hey, hey, give me some of that" Matt said, holding his arms out. Whitney ran to him and hugged him too. For some reason, I did feel just a little jealous. Matt was kinda stealing my thunder. I was the one that found her, I was the one that had the idea, I was the reason she was going to be spending the next four months with us...

Think about his position, though. He just broke up with a girl that he truly fell in love with. He needs to be able to have fun and not think. I looked back up at him, feeling a little guilty for being jealous.

But there he was, hugging her tighter then I had been.

This is gonna be a long four months.
♠ ♠ ♠
What We Hate, We Make -- The Rocket Summer
I reeeeeeally need some more feedback on this story.
Make me smile, please (: Comments?