Nothing Left To Do But Scream

Time To Lay Claim To The Evidence

Whitney's POV

On tour.

Four months.

Avenged Sevenfold.

It didn't even seem real. Who knew that a small town girl from Virginia would ever make it as a Scream girl. Along with the great pay and being out of my cramped little apartment, there were so many bonuses on top of it all. I made some best friends. Johnny, Jimmy, and Zacky were all hilarious. I loved crazy ideas they would come up with, the pranks, the jokes. They were some of the only people that truly knew how to make laugh. Especially Jimmy. I'd become pretty close to Jimmy. My best friend of the group, I would say.
Then there was Matt. Oh, Matt. He really is an amazing guy. And a cute one at that. He was so sweet. He flirted with me constantly. It's so cute the way he does it too. Although, I did wish the flirting came from someone else.
I think it was the first day I met Brian that I started feeling this way about him. He was sweet. I mean, he really cared about what happened to me. Very overprotective. But in a good way. And smart. I don't know if I knew anyone that smart. Andcute gorgeous.

Only four months with them? Hardly seems like enough time for us.


Time to lay claim to the evidence
Fingerprints sold me out
But our footprints washed away from the docks downtown

I walked away from my bed to my cellphone that was laying on the side table.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, it's me" Brian said.

"Hi, tour buddy!". He laughed.

"And how are you this morning? Are you ready for the crazy four months ahead of us?" he said. I could feel his grin come through the phone when he said four months ahead of us.

"More than ready! I'm just finishing up packing" I said while folding up some more clothes.

"Oh yeah? Listen, I can stop by right now and help you finish up".

"Oh no, you don't have to do that. I'm almost done anyway. But thank you" I said with a smile.

"Well, thank you for agreeing to be a Scream girl. Yknow if you're good enough, I may end up making a mistake during the song" he said chuckling.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, if you're up there shaking and dancing, you might...distract me" he said. It finally made sense what he was saying.

"Oh, hahah, well I don't want to do that to you" I said.

"Um, actually, I think I'd be okay with it". I giggled.
When he said stuff like that, it made my heartjump do flips in the air.

"Well, I'll meet you at the airport in about three hours, okay?" I said.

"Alright. I'll see you soon baby girl" he said, hanging up.
Baby girl.

Aaaaaand there go the heart flips.

I snapped my phone shut and threw it on the other side of my bed. Just as I folded my blue All Time Low shirt and placed it in the suitcase, I heard a knock at my door. That Brian I thought. I ran out of my room and to the door to answer it.

"Brian, I said that I-- oh! Matt!" I said.

"Oh, Whitney!" he said mimicking me.

"I thought you'd be finishing packing for the tour" I said, closing the door after he walked in.

"Well, I ended up finishing my packing early this morning".

"You? Did something on time ? Impossible" I said, joking.

"Hey, hey, I can take care of myself little lady" he said smiling.

"Well so can I. In fact, I was just about to finish what I was doing" I said, walking back to my bedroom. Matt followed me like he always did.

"I see" he said looking at my suitcase.

"See? Very organized and everything" I said, moving my hand over the suitcase like I was Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune.

"I see, Vanna, thank you" he said. I giggled and went back to folding.

"Sooooo when you were opening the door, you said Brian. Is Brian coming over or something?" he asked.

"Oh, no. He called me a little while ago to see if I needed any help but I told him I was good" I said as I folded the last article of clothing.

"Oh" was all he said. I looked up at him.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well...I mean...I just wanted to".

"Spit it out, Sanders" I said, zipping up the case.

"What's going on with you and Haner?" he asked. I froze. What was I supposed to say to that? I wasn't even sure what was going on with us.

"Nothing. Why?".

"It just seems like you guys got super close, super quick. Have you met Michelle?" he asked me.


"His girlfriend".
Cue the smashing of my heart.

I gulped. "Girlfriend?".


"I thought they broke up" I asked, doing everything I could to keep my eyes from welling up.

"Well, they kinda did but kinda didn't. They're in a fight right now but they always get back together" he said.

"Oh" was then all I could say.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you help me bring these to the car?" I asked, handing him one of the suitcases.

"Yeah, of course" he said with one of his winning smiles, dimples and all.

"Thanks" I said, grabbing my other suitcase and walking out of the apartment. I locked it up and walked to my car.

"Oh don't even worry about your car. Just come with me in mine" he said already putting my suitcase in his trunk.

"Oh, okay" I said. I threw my other one in there along with it and jumped in.

I have to say, I love hanging out with Matt. He's such a great guy. We blasted Blink 182 on the way to the airport. Their tour bus was in sight as we pulled in. Brian's smile faded as he saw me in Matt's car. Getting out of Matt's car, Brian was already walking over to us.

"Hey, baby girl. Why are you with Matt?" he asked.

"Oh, well he surprised me by stopping by my apartment" I said.

"Yeah. I thought it would be stupid for both her and I to drive here in separate cars. Just thought I'd take some initiative and help out my new favorite Scream girl" he said, winking at me. This caused a blush, like it always did.

"Well that's nice" Brian sounded not so sincere. Matt grabbed both my suitcases out of the trunk.

"Oh, those are yours?" Brian asked me.

"Yeah. Sorry, I have a lot of stuff" I said.

"No, that's fine. Here, I'll take them" Brian said trying to grab them.

"No, I've got it man" Matt said. Brian didn't take no for an answer.

"It's fine. It's my turn to take some initiative for my favorite girl period " he said, smiling at me. He took the bags and started walking towards the bus. I looked back at Matt who seemed a little confused at what Brian was trying to accomplish.

I'm not gonna lie, I was a little confused as well.

"Well, here we go doll face. Four of the craziest months you'll ever live. You ready?" Matt asked, his arm now slung over my shoulder.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said smiling.
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Six Feet Under The Stars -- All Time Low
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