I Don't Love You...Yet

Actions Mean More Than Words

Elena's P.O.V.

After hearing that... about what could happen to my brother I felt so horribly afraid, he is my everything I could never forgive myself if anything happened to him.

The guys agreed to take me to the hospital and protect me but I had to get dressed so I headed upstairs. I took a quick hot shower to take off the cold chills, dried myself, put on underwear, skinny jeans, plain white t-shirt and my red converse shoes, brushed my hair and applied some black eyeliner.
I took my cellphone, my bag and my... small knife and put in in my pocket just in case, then I went down, the guys were all ready and waiting for me.

"You ready?." said Bob holding the keys.

"Sure." I said really not feeling good.

Mikey put his arms around me and hugged me briefly before we went outside.
In the car there was silence, Frank was right besides me holding my hand, that was what I needed, that gave me strength nothing but that, right there I knew.

Frank's P.O.V.

We were in the car headed for the hospital and the silence was unbearable, Elena was right besides me and I took her hand, she was cold and frightened and I knew it, but when I took her hand she became calm, I knew she knew we didn't need any words to express anything right this moment.

Elena had her eyes closed, then Bob said "We're here." so she'd know, right her I felt her muscles tense up, I felt so sorry for her I wish I could do something for her.

Elena's P.O.V.

I had my eyes closed just trying to get myself together, when I heard Bob say that we were there my muscles were tense and chills went down my spine.
We got down and entered the hospital, I had a really bad feeling about all of this but the only thing I wanted to see was my brother.
The guys were all behind me, I went to the counter and asked.

"Excuse me I received a call from here regarding my brother, is he all right?." I asked.

"Whats his name please?." asked the very nice nurse.

"Jake Michaels." I responded.

"Yes, he is stable and ok, are you a relative?.".

"Yes I'm his sister." I responded.

"He's in room 503 floor 5." she said.

I told the guys were he was and we took the elevator except me and Frank, we are to claustrophobic to take it, we took the stairs that was what I needed some alone time if only now.
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Sorry I'll post more later! AND I promise it'll be good